
News: Rick Riordan’s New Book “The Sun and the Star” Faces Backlash

Rick Riordan’s newest book, The Sun and the Star is the first standalone book from the author of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Co-authored by “gender-queer LatinX” Y.A author, Mark Oshiro, The Sun and the Star focuses on the fan favorite character, Nico di Angelo, the son of the Greek god, Hades. The book takes…Continue Reading →

News: Amazon’s Rings of Power is Doubling Down on Calling Fans Racist as Season 2 Wraps up Filming.

Amazon’s Rings of Power T.V. show is doubling down on the racism accusations as diehard Tolkien fans express their concerns for the next season of the show. Why? Because that seemed to work so well for them before. After all, Rings of Power is only the most expensive show ever created, the budget being close…Continue Reading →

News: DEI Officers are Being Fired Enmasse as Companies Relize They’re a Blackhole of Money

DEI officers from Disney, Netflix, Warner Bros, and the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences have either laid off their cheif (cheiftess?) diversity officers or they have quit for reasons not let specified in the last 10 days and it hasn’t just been big Hollywood studios getting rid of them either. As NBC reports, “Diversity…Continue Reading →

News: Sound of Freedom is Beating out Dial of Destiny in the Box Office in the Third Week of its Release

Disney and Hollywood are failing this year due to woke propoganda and Sound of Freedom is beating the crap out of them, grossing $45.7 million dollars at the box office, contrasting with the newest Lucasfilm movie Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which has only scraped up $100 million. While $100 million is obviously…Continue Reading →

News: The New Snow White Remake Looks Like a Cosplayer’s YouTube Video and It’s Hilarious.

As someone who been to the Renniassance Fair a few times, when I saw the exclusive pictures from the set of the Snow White remake, I thought it was a bunch of cosplayers from a Ren Fair. As we know, Disney seems to be on a mission to cannabalize itself, producing flops such as Pinnochio…Continue Reading →

News: The Barbie Movie Did Well, but Will it Continue to do Well?

The long anticipated Barbie movie just dropped on Friday and has made $155 million, beating out Oppenheimer which came out the same day. However, while the movie has been a massive success, will it continue to be the success that it has been or will it lose it’s glittery shine as the weeks go by?…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: My Thoughts on the Chronicles of Narnia Reboot.

It’s a relatively good thing that Rings of Power (Rings of Racism), is coming out next year because I don’t think I would be able to mentally handle the horror of having to review Rings of Power and the Netflix adaptation of Chronicles of Narnia. The anger of seeing not one, but two pieces of…Continue Reading →

News: The Witcher is Dying and is an Example of #GoWokeGoBroke.

On this blog, I often talk about how if you go woke, your show or franchise is going to decrease in quality until its completely unwatchable. We’ve seen this with Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones, anything Disney-owned in general, The Dragon Prince, Rings of Power, etc. The latest on the chopping block is now The…Continue Reading →

News: Amazon CEO Demands Answers for Studio’s Insane Spending on Flops

Jennifer Salke is probably sulking now as the CEO of amazon is demanding answers for her insatiable spending habits. If Disney and Salke could get in a spending fight, I seriously wonder who would win. As we know, Hollywood has been having a bad year. This has been the summer of the flopbuster with only…Continue Reading →

News/Blog: Snow White is Going to be Disney’s Biggest Flop to Date.

Right now, I think we’re stuck in an absolute clown world where bad means good, and dwarves are now regular sized and look like they just pillaged a local Renn Faire, then bought some LSD. If this seems familiar, that’s because this is what’s coming out of Disney as they not only are hemorrhaging money,…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: My Thoughts on A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Movie

I first heard about this movie when it was announced in…I think it was 2021 or 2022. At this time, I had already read The Hunger Games series and had watched the movies. I liked them well enough and they’re still some of my top favorite movies to watch. However, I didn’t pay much attention…Continue Reading →

Review/Blog/News: The Percy Jackson and the Olympians Trailer Looks Abysmal.

I’ve talked a lot about Percy Jackson on this blog. I’ve reviewed the books and the the spinoffs. I’ve told you why I left the fandom and don’t regret it. I even destroyed the arguments presented by the Leftist nutball Unclaimed Demigod. But what I haven’t talked much about is the garbage adaptation from hell…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: Israel Belongs to the Jews. You Deserve to Rot in the Worst Fires of Hell if You Support Hammas.

Over the weekend, the Islamic terrorist group, Hammas, breached the Israeli border and launched a massive attack against the Jews, slaughtering families, brutally raping and killing women, taking citizens as hostages, and in general being the pieces of absolute **** that they are. As of right now, a thousand Jews have been slaughtered, thousands more…Continue Reading →

News: We Won! Snow White is No More! And We’re Getting a Five Nights at Freddy’s Movie!

After being turned into a meme by everyone, the live-action remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves has officially been cancelled by Disney after clips of Rachel Zegler went viral and Gal Gadot decided to leave because of creative differences between her and director Mark Web. Mr. Web had wanted to make the film…Continue Reading →

News: Dailywire’s Brett Cooper to be Snow White in the New Adaption Coming Out on BentKey in 2024.

In a video that came out this Monday, Dailywire CEO Jeremy Boring announced that the Dailywire was releasing a new streaming service called BentKey, which is dedicated to providing child-friendly entertainment in the wake of Disney coming out with shows that actively push LGBTQ+ and CRT on your kids. While he announced that BentKey would…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 1: Child Exploitation.

If you’re a millenial, Gen Z, or have a relative who’s Gen Alpha, then you have probably heard about, seen, or played a game called Roblox. This fun gaming site probably seems innocent enough to the casual player, with it’s bright colors, cute avatars that you can dress up however you want, and fun games…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 2: Rampant Pedophillia.

Warning: This post deals with pedophillia and sexual abuse/content on Roblox. If you are a kid reading this or are an adult who’s squemish about these things, you have been warned. Welcome to the second post in this series where I do a deep dive into the horrors of Roblox and expose it for the…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 3: Censorship.

Finally ending this series on the reasons why you shouldn’t allow your kids on Roblox, I’m going to talk about the last big problem that seals the corruption of Roblox: censorship. While you might not think that censorship really affects your kids, it actually does. Roblox has inadvertently backed themselves into a corner and admitted…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: Rick Riordan Needs to Keep His Mouth Shut About Things He Doesn’t Understand.

While I’m a bit late covering this story since I try to stay off of since most of Riordan’s posts just anger me, I ran across a post from October 17th that I feel needs to be addressed (you can read the full thing here: To summarize this article, Rick Riordan talked briefly…Continue Reading →

News: The Marvels is Marvelously Bad.

Disney’s newest flop, The Marvels came out this Sunday and after a terrible projected earning of only $60 million dollars somehow managed to do even worse only scraping in a tiny $41 million. Remeber, this was Marvel’s fourth most expensive movie, costing $274.8 million. It was supposed to do well. Why didn’t it? Was it…Continue Reading →

News: Disney’s Newest Christmas Flick Includes a Race-Swapped Santa and Sexualized Minors.

As we know, Disney is no longer a kid-friendly brand, celebrating sexual dysfunction, abuse, and perversity during June, putting the same stuff into its shows and movies for toddlers, funding abortions for its employees, and the list goes on and on. This year, they have fully accepted their not-so-secret-gay-agenda and it is going full swing…Continue Reading →

News: YOU SHALL NOT INFRINGE! LOTR Fanfic Writer Sues Amazon and Loses.

In the ongoing nightmare that is Amazon’s Rings of Power, there was a beacon of light in the form of a hilarious story of a fanfic writer sueing the company for $250 million. In April of 2023, Demetrius Polychron filed a lawsuit against the multi-billion dollar company for allegedly stealing aspects of his idea (which…Continue Reading →

News: It Somehow Got Worse. Rings of Power Race-swapped Annatar.

As you guys know, I’m very excited and very optomistic for Rings of Power Season 2. After all, the writers said that they would stick closer to the source material for Season 2. Surely, they aren’t lying, right? After all, these people know what they’re doing. They have Tolkien experts on board, right? I’m sure…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: My Reaction to the Rumors About Rings of Power Season 2. My Brain is Now Mush.

As you guys know, I hate Rings of Power to the ends of the Earth and it infuriates me to no end how little respect Amazon has for the Tolkien fandom’s beloved professor and the stories he spent his life on. Now, with Season 2 of Rings of Power on the way (supposedly), the rumors…Continue Reading →

News: We’re Getting a Raceswapped Wizard of Oz and It’s a Wonderful Life.

If you thought that 2024 was going to be the year of Hollywood finding creativity again, you are a child. Hollywood went bankrupt on ideas a long time ago and in a desperate attempt to get people to come back to it, has decided to just slap some “diverse” characters into it to make sure that…Continue Reading →

News: Just Like Disney, Rick Riordan is Out of Ideas

Last year, Rick Riordan released two new books: The Sun and the Star, a gay romance that tore the Percy Jackson fandom in two as people argued over how bad it was, and The Chalice of the Gods, a book about the now college-age Percy Jackson and co. needing to find and return Ganymede’s lost…Continue Reading →

News: We’re Getting Yet Another Spin-Off from Disney…

I feel like I start a lot of posts like this, but around the ages of 9-ish to 11, I was a huge fan of Disney’s Descendants, a series of movies that were based off of the Isle of the Lost series written by Melissa de la Cruz. I watched all the movies, had all…Continue Reading →

News: Rings of Power Season 2 Trailer Just Dropped. I’m Dying Laughing.

From the fires of Mt. Prime, the continuation of the horror that was The Rings of Power has officially been announced to arrive to Amazon Prime on August 29. As you guys know, as an avid hater of The Rings of Power and fan of the legacy of the great J.R.R. Tolkien, I have been…Continue Reading →

News: Tom Bombadil is in Rings of Power? What?

I know I just did a Rings of Power post a few weeks ago, but as it keeps getting worse, I’m going to keep talking about it. After all, Rings of Power has become possibly one of the most infamous case studies in why no one likes modern Hollywood and why big companies are losing…Continue Reading →

News: We’re Getting Another Lord of the Rings Movie…and I’m Not Thrilled.

No, I’m not talking about the animated War of the Rohirrim movie that’s coming out this December; I’m very excited about that one. The movie I’m talking about is the new Gollum movie that’s rumored to be coming out in 2026. I know I’m late to talk about this, but as casting announcements are floating…Continue Reading →

Review/News: The New Paladin Straight Music Video Hasn’t Answered Any Questions.

Last month, I did a review on Twenty-One Pilot’s newest album, Clancy, the album that was advertised as being the band’s last release that would wrap up the Dema storyline that they’ve based all their albums off of, even the ones going back to their Self-Titled days. Basically, my thoughts on the album so far…Continue Reading →

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