News: DEI Officers are Being Fired Enmasse as Companies Relize They’re a Blackhole of Money

DEI officers from Disney, Netflix, Warner Bros, and the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences have either laid off their cheif (cheiftess?) diversity officers or they have quit for reasons not let specified in the last 10 days and it hasn’t just been big Hollywood studios getting rid of them either. As NBC reports, “Diversity Roles Disappear 3 Years After George Floyd’s Murder Inspired Them”.

Though we know that NBC isn’t filled with the greatest reporters and journalists (especially since they still think George Floyd’s death was a murder (Watch Candace Owen’s movie The Greatest Lie Ever Sold), they at least are able to provide us with the statistics. According to NBC, after the death of Floyd (when everyone’s head magically went up their butts because of how stupid we all became), the “need” for DEI officers in the workplace went up 55%. Three years later today, it has gone down 33% at the end of 2022, with Amazon, Applebees, and Twitter leading the way for that trend.

While NBC treats this a travesty because more qualified white men might get the jobs instead of less qualified minority groups who just got them because companies are scared of being cancelled, I think this is great. I’m not saying that someone from a minority can’t do the work that a white man can do based on race, sexuality, or sex (though in some cases, sex is a big factor that can disqualify someone from the job). What I’m saying is that hiring someone not based on merit, but rather on which diversity box they check off is the most discriminatory thing you can do. If you just judge someone not off their talent and character, but on their race, sexuality, or whatever else, then you are actually oppresing them. The person’s mind is then trained to think that if he identifies as such-‘n’-such, he won’t have to work as hard because he can just claim that the boss is an “-ist” word when he complains. And if they try to get a new job, companies will likely have lower expectations because they’ll suspect that he was hired at his last job because he ticked off a diversity box, not because he had talent or was hardworking.

Does any of that seem challenging to you? Does any of that seem like it grows a good character with good morals? No, it doesn’t. By not growing someone’s character and morals, you have made them stupid and selfish, which is what has happened to a lot of people by hiring these DEI officers.

On top of that, DEI officers often act like the thought police from George Orwell’s 1984. If they even think you aren’t toting the party line enough, they have the power to get you fired. If they hear that someone of the alphabet mafia has a slight greivance with you, you’re fired and possibly cancelled, which will make it hard to find a job ever again unless you grovel before them and beg for their fickle forgiveness.

The last point I want to make concerning the DEI layoffs is the fact that we’re in a recession. Companies don’t have the time or the money to deal with people who are ultimately an expense. Thanks to these DEI officers, companies have been losing more money than they’ve been making since people are tired of the woke corporate pandering. Companies need workers who can actually pull their own weight instead of sitting around complaining about microaggressions. If you can’t do that, expect your job to be handed over to the next person who can actually do the work. If you have a problem with that – if that scares you – then you can either leave of your own accord or start working harder in a job that actually matters.

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