News: Disney’s Newest Christmas Flick Includes a Race-Swapped Santa and Sexualized Minors.

As we know, Disney is no longer a kid-friendly brand, celebrating sexual dysfunction, abuse, and perversity during June, putting the same stuff into its shows and movies for toddlers, funding abortions for its employees, and the list goes on and on. This year, they have fully accepted their not-so-secret-gay-agenda and it is going full swing... Continue Reading →

News: Dailywire’s Brett Cooper to be Snow White in the New Adaption Coming Out on BentKey in 2024.

In a video that came out this Monday, Dailywire CEO Jeremy Boring announced that the Dailywire was releasing a new streaming service called BentKey, which is dedicated to providing child-friendly entertainment in the wake of Disney coming out with shows that actively push LGBTQ+ and CRT on your kids. While he announced that BentKey would... Continue Reading →

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