
Mythology: The Tale of Izanami and Izanagi

At the beginning of the world there was nothing.             Literally nothing except for Chaos, the void of which everything began. Japanese mythology doesn’t say if Chaos was a sentient being, but, one day something strange happened in the primordial soup. Particles appeared within Chaos and started moving around and creating something. From those particles…Continue Reading →

Mythology: The Mighty Tanuki

Within the past 2-3 months of being on this blog, I have only done one post on mythology, so why not write some more. Today’s myth focuses on the tanuki, a character who not only is this blog’s mascot, but is also a character in my books. These funny little creatures are one of the…Continue Reading →

Mythology: What are Kitsune and Who Was Tamamo-no-Mae?

Kitsune are amongst the most famous yokai in Japanese mythology, often being found in media like animae, video games, manga, etc. Notorious for their shapeshifting abilities and powers of manipulation, the kistune is one of the perfect creatures in mythology to talk about this spooky season. : What is a Kitsune? Dedicated to the god…Continue Reading →

Mythology: Ganymede is Tragic and Zeus is the God of Public School Teachers.

On September 26, Rick Riordan – in what I can only guess was perhaps a desperate attempt to write a backup book in case The Sun and the Star did poorly (which it did) – released a new book called Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods. This book centers around an 18-year-old Percy…Continue Reading →

Mythology: A Character Analysis of Achilles

Everyone knows who Achilles is, as he is one of the most famous heroes in Greek mythology. His story has inspired countless retellings in the form of plays, books, and movies. However, though his name is renowned throughout literature, his true character is not. Though he performed many heroic acts, he was also one of…Continue Reading →

Mythology: What was the Deal with Axe-Wielding Bunnies?

My family loves bunnies. They’re cute, fluffy, come running when they hear a bag crinkle, and magically bring you candy on a certain holiday that we’ll be celebrating this week. However, as cute as these little creatures are, apparently Monty Python and the Holy Grail got it right in suggesting that they are actually ruthless…Continue Reading →

Mythology: Hel is Hella Overrated

No, I’m not talking about that Hell. I’m talking about Hel (also known as Hella), the Norse Goddess of the Underworld and one of the most misunderstood characters in the Norse Pantheon. The reason for this is because I’ve been watching the show Runes on Bentkey now that the season is over and unfortunately, she’s…Continue Reading →

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