
Blog: The Modern Church is Crap, but Here’s Why You Should Still Try. My Experiences with the Church.

In some of my previous blog posts about The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and my review of Shiny, Happy People, you might be thinking, “Wow, the church sucks. Why would anyone ever go there?” and you would be right in thinking that. For hundreds of years, the church has been corrupt on all different…Continue Reading →

Blog: All Books of the Bible Summarized (Old Testement)

(Disclaimer: This is satire and not to be taken seriously. I am not – by any means – a Bible expert. This is just based off of my understanding of it. Please do not use this as something to build your theology off of.) : Genesis Really guys? Can you not sin for…like…five seconds? This…Continue Reading →

Blog: If Bible Characters Could Text

When one of my friends left for college out of state earlier in the year, I made it my mission to report to her what the sermons at youth group and Sunday church service were about as often as possible. Usually it consists of what the sermon was about before transitioning into me spilling the…Continue Reading →

Blog: New Testament Summarized

A few months ago, I posted a blog where I summarized the Old Testament and though you guys seemed to like that post, I never did a follow up. Realizing this, here’s the sequel to that post. (Disclaimer: This is satire. This is in no way, shape, or form supposed to be used to replace…Continue Reading →

Blog: If Bible Characters Went to the Zoo

I don’t know what made me want to do this blog post. Maybe it’s the fact that I am the type of person to scroll endlessly through memes, or maybe it’s because my brain just works in a really weird way, but here’s what I think would happen if certain Bible characters visited a zoo….Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Tell When It’s Time to Leave a Church

If you guys have read my blog post on why you should still try to go to church even though most of them suck, you will know that I have left several churches: The Church of the Holy Dollar, The Church of the (W)Holy Incompetent Pastors, and the Church of the Holy Dinosaur, and am…Continue Reading →

Blog: Debunking Easter

One idea that seems to be really popular amongst angry, blue-haired, crystal-obsessed cat moms on the internet is the idea that Easter is actually a pagan holiday and was taken over by the Christians to push Christianity onto the people. Their basis for this is the fact that we have culturally adopted things like egg…Continue Reading →

Blog: Don’t Base Your View of Christianity on Crappy People

A few months ago, I had an interesting talk with a friend from my church. The conversation started off talking about life and teenager-stuff like What do you want to do with your life?, What are your plans for summer?, etc. before we started talking about the church in general and how many Christians have…Continue Reading →

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