O.G. Stories

Blog: The OG Stories of My Childhood

In my post about why Hollywood and creativity in general is dying, I used an anecdote about how when I was a child, I basically would only write fanfic since it was easier to use characters that had already been established than to make up my own stories. In that post, I also promised that…Continue Reading →

Blog: More OG Stories. Little-Me was Weird.

On Monday, I posted a blog about some the original stories that I came up with when I was a small child. You guys seemed to like that post and I really enjoy going through my old stories and seeing what was going on in my brain at age 7, so here are some more…Continue Reading →

Blog: More OG Stories. Frog and Toad are Spies Now.

It’s been a while since I graced you all with the chaotic stories that I wrote when I was much younger. We’ve gone through pretty much all the stories I wrote when I was seven, so now it’s time to start going through the stories that I wrote when I was eight. At this point,…Continue Reading →

Blog: OG Stories of My Childhood. Presenting “The Book Clones”.

As I’ve been doing this series on my original stories that I wrote when I was younger, I’ve realized that I haven’t done the longest story in the creative writing journal yet. The story I’m referring to was written when I was eight years old and was actually the story that inspired me to start…Continue Reading →

Blog: OG Stories of my Childhood: My First Novel (Sorta)

Several months ago, I did a series on here called “OG Stories of my Childhood” where I basically just found old stories that I had written in grade school (ages 7 to 10 I think) and shared them with all of you, chronicling my early days as a writer. I thought I had ended that…Continue Reading →

Blog: OG Stories of My Childhood. The Spotlight Chapter 2.

Last time on OG Stories of My Childhood, we covered the Prologue and Chapter 1 of The Spotlight, my first ever novel that I wrote when I was around 10 years old. So far, we’ve laughed, we’ve cringed, and we’ve cried from laughing some more. Now, prepare for more of that. Chapter 2: The Rehearsal…Continue Reading →

Blog: OG Stories of My Childhood: The Spotlight Chapters 3 and 4.

Welp, I’ve given you guys a while to recover from the cringe that was chapter 2 of my first novel. Now, we’re picking up the cringe with chapters 3 and 4, where things get a bit more interesting. Chapter 3: The Show and the Accident Two weeks flew by. Rebeca had been working full-time, non-stop,…Continue Reading →

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