How To…

Blog: How to Write A Villian

Villians are what really push the story foward and are the ones who make your story interesting. After doing so many reviews of T.V. shows and books (most of which have been on books/shows that were poorly written), I have realized that having a strong villian is one of the most crucial elements of your…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Write Your Protagonists

Continuing on with my series about how to write a book, it’s time to talk about the character that your book centers around: your protagonist. Your protagonist is the main character who is trying to survive or stop whatever the villian is doing. It’s very important to know how to write this character, otherwise your…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Write Your Plot

Coming to the simplest part (in my opinion) of how to write a book, it’s time to talk about the plot, i.e. the story itself. If you haven’t already read the other two posts on how to write your villian and your protagonists, I highly suggest that you go do so before reading this since…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Write in English Mode Tengwar

The world known as Middle Earth that was created by the great author and professor J.R.R. Tolkien has reached millions of people ever since the publishing of his first book The Hobbit. However, something you might not know about the world of J.R.R. Tolkien is that he was writing about it as long ago as…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to World Build

I’ve already covered how to write your villian, your protagonist, and your plot, but something that’s just as important to the story is knowing how to build your world. This includes things like knowing how to write magic systems, how terrain/climate work, etc. and is the most technical part of writing your book. Just like…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Navigate the Holidays With Food Allergies.

While the holiday season is a time of festivities, family, and celebrations, for many people it can also be one of the most dangerous times of the year. Why? Because there’s food everywhere, much of which is not allergy friendly. As someone with a life-threatening allergy to peanuts and tree-nuts who knows other families with…Continue Reading →

Blog: How Not to Write a Protagonist. Today’s Example: Korra.

Several months ago, I wrote a post about how to write your protagonists in which I went over what to do and what not to do. In continuation of that series (sorta), I’ve decided I’m going to start doing blogs on examples of good story writing and bad story writing, similar to my book/TV reviews,…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Write a Morally Complex Protagonist. Today’s Example: Feanor.

Feanor from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion is one of those characters where you either hate him or you love him to bits and will die on that hill. Reddit forums galore have been created centering around him, ranging from having well-thought-out arguments in the form of memes and comments defending/condemning his actions to having a…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Write a Fight Scene

Let’s be honest, fight scenes are one of those things that can either make or break the believability of a story. If they’re really good, they have the audience rooting for the hero and fearing for their lives, or perhaps feeling as cocky as the hero that he’ll win because he’s the hero. On the…Continue Reading →

Blog: Happy Valentine’s Day. Let’s Talk About How to Write a Romance.

As you guys know, I am not the type of person who likes love-triangles or many other lovey-dovey type tropes in books. However, I’m not completely heartless; I still enjoy a good love story now and again in a book when it’s not completely contrived. So let’s talk about how I think a romance should…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Never Write a Fight Scene: Rings of Power Snow Troll Scene.

I pick on Rings of Power a (perhaps) unfair amount on this blog. I mean, I’ve written numerous articles meticulously picking it apart as compared to the books, making fun of the showrunners and writers, and in general beating it a ton to make sure it’s extra dead. But today, I’m back to break down…Continue Reading →

Blog: How not to Write Emotionally Damaged Characters: Tris

I am not a fan of the Divergent trilogy. Not only is it essentially soft porn for teenagers, but the main character, Tris (short for Beatrice because she’s just soo edgy), has one of the worst mental health arcs I have ever read. Throughout the series (especially in book 2), she is a whiny, selfish…Continue Reading →

Blog: How to Create a Fantasy Language

I’ve always seemed to have an aptitude for language. I learned how to read when I was 3 or 4 years old and could write by the time I was 5. In middle school, I started learning Spanish and now can speak and write it somewhat fluently. Last year, I taught myself how to write…Continue Reading →

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