
Blog: My Thoughts on Aliens.

Okay guys, I would like to preface this by saying that these are just my views on aliens. I’m not saying this with the intent of getting you to believe what I believe. You should be able to make up your own minds on these things and be able to think things through, especially if…Continue Reading →

Blog: Schedule Updates for the Tanuki Corner and Teaser for Books.

Hey, guys! M.J. here with some updates for the Tanuki Corner. As you guys should know by now, I’m a highschool student and unfortunately, summer is almost over and school will be starting in about a month. While I had hoped to grow this blog site a lot more over this summer, I had gotten…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: My Thoughts on the Chronicles of Narnia Reboot.

It’s a relatively good thing that Rings of Power (Rings of Racism), is coming out next year because I don’t think I would be able to mentally handle the horror of having to review Rings of Power and the Netflix adaptation of Chronicles of Narnia. The anger of seeing not one, but two pieces of…Continue Reading →

Blog: I Went to the Rennaisance Festival After a Four Year Hiatus. I Have Some Thoughts.

I have always been a Renn Faire fan and have been going to my local Renn Faire with my family ever since I was a toddler. Because my dad’s a medieval history nerd, we would always go at least once or twice a year…until the p(l)andemic happened in 2020. We went once in 2019 then…Continue Reading →

Blog: Hollywood Remakes and the Death of Creativity

When I was still in elementary school, I mostly wrote fanfiction for creative writing assignments. Often, many of my stories were retellings of fairy tales or had something to do with Barbie. The two stories I remember the most were 1). Frog and Toad meets the Barbie Spy Squad where Frodo and Sam were working…Continue Reading →

Blog: What the Hell is a Skibidi Toilet?

As you know, on this blog, I am a purveyor of fine content. I’m like a 5-star chef, giving you only the best I can come up with. Nothing more and nothing less than the absolute finest. So…toilets. Why the heck is the skibidi toilet trending on YouTube right now? Why is it so popular?…Continue Reading →

Blog: Peanuts. Little Nut-Shaped Legumes of Death.

Imagine you’ve just had a baby. You’re a new parent and this is your first born child. You barely know what you’re doing and almost all the information you’ve ever read about being a new parent is tossed out the window. You are definitely laughing at your younger self for ever thinking parenting would be…Continue Reading →

Blog: Why I Left the Percy Jackson Fandom (and I Don’t Regret it)

So, recently I’ve done three reviews on the main three series of the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles (the name assigned to Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, and The Trials of Apollo). While I thought the original Percy Jackson series was good, I thought the other books were mediocre at best. Books aside however,…Continue Reading →

Blog: Sophmore Student Destroys Unclaimed Demigod.

Keeping up with the trend for this week about the crappiest fandom in existence, the Percy Jackson fandom, I’m going to be destorying the arguments presented by the YouTuber Unclaimed Demigod. Unclaimed demigod is a book review channel who identifies as Aro/Ace (I’m trying to figure out if she’s half Ace of Spades, Ace of…Continue Reading →

Blog: Sophmore Student Destroys Unclaimed Demigod (Part 2): The Return of Sanity.

Previously on The Tanuki Corner, I wrote a post demolishing the arguments presented by the YouTuber Unclaimed Demigod and I promised that I would do a part two since within the thirteen minute video called “Reading Trials of Apollo Reviews from Homophobic Parents and Losing My Mind” there were twenty incredibly shallow arguments that made my blood…Continue Reading →

News/Blog: Snow White is Going to be Disney’s Biggest Flop to Date.

Right now, I think we’re stuck in an absolute clown world where bad means good, and dwarves are now regular sized and look like they just pillaged a local Renn Faire, then bought some LSD. If this seems familiar, that’s because this is what’s coming out of Disney as they not only are hemorrhaging money,…Continue Reading →

Blog: Can We Talk About Lightsabers for a Moment?

As I’ve been trying to convince my parents to allow me to start a YouTube channel for this blog, one of the ideas I’ve had floating around in my head for a video has been “Galactic Insurance Agent Insures Lightsaber.” However, since I haven’t gotten a YouTube channel started yet, why not talk about all…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: My Thoughts on A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Movie

I first heard about this movie when it was announced in…I think it was 2021 or 2022. At this time, I had already read The Hunger Games series and had watched the movies. I liked them well enough and they’re still some of my top favorite movies to watch. However, I didn’t pay much attention…Continue Reading →

Review/Blog/News: The Percy Jackson and the Olympians Trailer Looks Abysmal.

I’ve talked a lot about Percy Jackson on this blog. I’ve reviewed the books and the the spinoffs. I’ve told you why I left the fandom and don’t regret it. I even destroyed the arguments presented by the Leftist nutball Unclaimed Demigod. But what I haven’t talked much about is the garbage adaptation from hell…Continue Reading →

Blog/Review: One Sentence Book/Movie Summaries.

As you could probably tell, I read a lot of books and watch a bit of T.V. That being the case, obviously I had to do some sort of book summary in this format. Hope you enjoy. #1: Lord of the Rings Group of people spend several months trying to return jewelry. : The Hobbit…Continue Reading →

Blog: Why is Fantasy Armor so Bad?

Maybe I’m not the greatest person to be critiquing armor since 1). I’ve never worn armor for anything and 2). I don’t play a lot of video games (I’ve only played SmashBros a handful of times and the cart racing games a few times). However, I do come from a family with common sense and…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: Israel Belongs to the Jews. You Deserve to Rot in the Worst Fires of Hell if You Support Hammas.

Over the weekend, the Islamic terrorist group, Hammas, breached the Israeli border and launched a massive attack against the Jews, slaughtering families, brutally raping and killing women, taking citizens as hostages, and in general being the pieces of absolute **** that they are. As of right now, a thousand Jews have been slaughtered, thousands more…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 1: Child Exploitation.

If you’re a millenial, Gen Z, or have a relative who’s Gen Alpha, then you have probably heard about, seen, or played a game called Roblox. This fun gaming site probably seems innocent enough to the casual player, with it’s bright colors, cute avatars that you can dress up however you want, and fun games…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 2: Rampant Pedophillia.

Warning: This post deals with pedophillia and sexual abuse/content on Roblox. If you are a kid reading this or are an adult who’s squemish about these things, you have been warned. Welcome to the second post in this series where I do a deep dive into the horrors of Roblox and expose it for the…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 3: Censorship.

Finally ending this series on the reasons why you shouldn’t allow your kids on Roblox, I’m going to talk about the last big problem that seals the corruption of Roblox: censorship. While you might not think that censorship really affects your kids, it actually does. Roblox has inadvertently backed themselves into a corner and admitted…Continue Reading →

Blog/News: Rick Riordan Needs to Keep His Mouth Shut About Things He Doesn’t Understand.

While I’m a bit late covering this story since I try to stay off of since most of Riordan’s posts just anger me, I ran across a post from October 17th that I feel needs to be addressed (you can read the full thing here: To summarize this article, Rick Riordan talked briefly…Continue Reading →

Blog: Why are Fandoms such Garbage Nowadays?

If you are part of the groups known as Millenials or Gen-Z or heck even Gen-X, then you probably know what a fandom is. Either you have friends who are active in a fandom, or maybe you were or maybe your kids won’t shut up about a fandom they’re in. If you went to public…Continue Reading →

Blog: I Threw a Blog Post Into Google Translate. This is How it Went.

I’ve been watching a lot of Google Translate videos recently where people throw random words, recipes, etc. into Google Translate and explore how badly translated it was. This gave me an idea. What would happen if I put one of my blog posts into Google translate? This led to me to going on a very…Continue Reading →

Blog: You’re a Book Addict if You do These Things…

Time to out myself. I am a book addict and as a book addict from a family of book addicts, I consider myself an expert on the warning signs of being addicted to literature. So like the title said, here are the signs that you may be one too. #1: You spend half/all of your…Continue Reading →

Blog: Best Elf in The Silmarillion; A Spotlight on Maglor.

Yes, I’m going to be catching a lot of flack from people in comments yelling at me that actually Finrod was the best elf or Beleg was or blah-blah-blah and they’ll die on that hill. But hear me out. Of all the characters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion, the elf prince Maglor is one of…Continue Reading →

Blog: Why Are YA Novels So Tropey?

I was at lunch the other day with my cousin at a restaurant when our conversation switched from school to books, particularly young adult novels. While I haven’t read a lot of young adult novels since I was 14, my cousin has and it’s something that I have been thinking about ever since. Why are…Continue Reading →

Blog: Common Book Tropes I Can’t Stand

Yesterday, I wrote a post about how modern books are becoming incredibly tropey and how annoying those tropes have become. After writing that post, I started thinking about the tropes that I hate and compiled this list. While some of these are tropes that I hate in general, I would just like to say that…Continue Reading →

Blog: If You’re a Writer/Author, You Might Do These Things.

As you guys know, I’m a writer. I write all the posts for this blog, and I just finished my fourth book. Do I know when any of my books will be coming out? No, because editing, self-publishing, and copyrighting takes forever. However, since I only have one more book to go before the series…Continue Reading →

Blog: Female Authors Aren’t Being “Infantilized” by the Publishing Industry. They’re Doing it to Themselves.

Recently, I ran across a channel on YouTube run by a woman named Elizabeth Wheatley and for those of you who haven’t watched any of her videos, she’s a fantasy/romance author who penned the Dandreth’s Assassin series and generally makes videos promoting her book and talking about the genre she’s in. At first, I really…Continue Reading →

Blog: Thoughts on Female Warriors and Rulers in the Fantasy Genre

As I’ve been doing this blog and quickly writing my own books, I’ve been paying attention to how other people portray their characters in media. In particular, I’ve been paying attention to how authors and writers portray their female characters in media, which more often than not nowadays is not in a very postive light….Continue Reading →

Blog/News: My Reaction to the Rumors About Rings of Power Season 2. My Brain is Now Mush.

As you guys know, I hate Rings of Power to the ends of the Earth and it infuriates me to no end how little respect Amazon has for the Tolkien fandom’s beloved professor and the stories he spent his life on. Now, with Season 2 of Rings of Power on the way (supposedly), the rumors…Continue Reading →

Blog/Review: So Far, The Pendragon Cycle Looks Really Good (Spoilers).

Last year, the Dailywire announced that they would be adapting The Pendragon Cycle by Stephen R. Lawhead into a series on Dailwire+. Me being the fantasy nerd that I am was very excited to hear that and now that I am reading the books am even more excited to watch the show. Now that Dailywire…Continue Reading →

Blog: I Went Ice Skating for the First Time. YouTube Didn’t Prepare Me Enough.

I usually don’t talk much about stuff that I do in my personal life on this blog and the reason for that is I’m not big on putting stuff about that onto the internet for thousands of people to see. However, in today’s case, I feel the story is funny and relatable enough to put…Continue Reading →

Blog: Why I Don’t Like Melanie Martinez

If you’re not a late millennial or Gen-Zer, you may not know who Melanie Martinez is, so let me fill you in real quick. Basically, she’s a singer who first popped up when she was 16 on an episode of America’s Got Talent in 2012 and launched her music career from there. Since then, she’s…Continue Reading →

Blog: Why I Don’t Watch Anime

Last year, political commentator, Matt Walsh, said in a video that anime is Satanic. While I think that he was mostly saying this in a joking manner, I can’t say that I don’t disagree with his stance on this massively popular genre. Sure, there are anime out there that aren’t horrible such as Avatar: The…Continue Reading →

Blog: Happy Women’s History Month. People Still Don’t Know What a Woman Is.

At this point, anything having to do with Rick Riordan or his publishing imprint, Read Riordan, has become a reliable content cow for this blog since they just can’t seem to keep their mouths shut about cultural issues that are particularly dangerous for teens. In today’s episode of Rick Riordan/Disney being stupid, I’ll be providing…Continue Reading →

Blog: Learning Languages

Ever since 8th grade, I’ve been learning Spanish. Has it been fun? That depends on your definition of fun. If you’re learning it when the curriculum actually teaches you what things are, what they mean, grammar, etc., then yeah, it’s fun. But when it’s attempting to teach you the language via the use of pictures…Continue Reading →

Blog: If You’re a Hiker, You Might do These Things

My family is pretty big on hiking. We live in an area were there are plenty of trails relatively nearby and up until a few years ago, we used to go on many hiking and camping trips where we would be eaten by bugs, get massive sunburns because we didn’t put on enough sunscreen, wonder…Continue Reading →

Blog/Review: AI Art is Okay. And Some New Announcements.

Ever since AI came out, I’ve been pretty suspicious of it. While quite a few of my friends assure me that it’s fine and can be a wonderful tool, I still stay wary of it. Can it be used for good things? Yeah. But can it also be used for evil and be really creepy…Continue Reading →

Blog: Dwight and Angela are the Best…False! They are the Worst Ship in The Office (Spoilers). 

I should preface this with: I have not seen the entire Office series. I am just someone who likes psychology and has spent several weeks watching clips of The Office on YouTube and researching it on Dunderpedia (yes, that is a real website), because a friend of mine likes the show and I needed conversation…Continue Reading →

Blog: I Hate Gen-Z Slang

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I am a member of the group known as Gen-Z. This means that though my family didn’t let me use the Internet until I was 8 and most of my cultural references came from the shows and movies that Mom and Dad let me watch, I have been privy to some of…Continue Reading →

Review/Blog: King Avallach’s Sword is a Wall Hanger.

In the leadup to the adaptation of Stephen R. Lawhead’s series, The Pendragon Cycle, the Dailywire has been doing quite a bit to promote it through giving viewers a behind-the-scenes look into the filming of the show, kind of like the Appendices to Lord of the Rings, but somewhat less cool. However, in one of…Continue Reading →

Blog: More Really Bad Fantasy Armor (Genshin Impact Edition)

A few months ago, I did a post about fantasy armor in media that not only looked terrible, but also would be entirely impractical in real life. You guys seemed to really enjoy that post so here’s some more crappy fantasy armor that we can all laugh at. #1: These people I’ve never played Genshin…Continue Reading →

Blog: The Problem With Christian Media

Recently, in a desperate attempt to find a movie to watch this weekend, my family and I watched a movie that was labeled as a Christain film. Regardless to say, this movie sucked, losing the plot constantly, never answering the central question of the film, and more. While I feel like I may have lost…Continue Reading →

Blog: Can AI Generate Good Armor?

Last month, I did a blog post on AI art and its advantages and pitfalls. More recently, I have also talked about really bad armor designs in video games, T.V., books, etc. With those two being set up, I think it’s time that we see how well AI can produce images of armor. Will it…Continue Reading →

Blog: Please Stop Letting Your Kids go to Sephora. They Scare Me.

To be clear, I’ve never actually been inside a Sephora or Ulta Beauty store in my life. All my makeup comes from Walmart or Amazon because I’m frugal (*cough* cheap *cough*). However, on a recent trip to the mall, as I was walking around I saw a small part of what everyone has been talking…Continue Reading →

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