
Welcome, my friend. If you’re reading this, I am pleased to tell you that you have stumbled across a small blog site in a small niche of the Internet called The Tanuki Corner. Perhaps you found it when looking up things about Japanese mythology, or maybe a friend recommended it to you. Maybe it was promoted in an ad on Pintrest. Either way, I’m happy you’re here.

But who am I? Who is this strange person talking to you through the screen in a blog post? For all you know, I could be a federal agent looking to take over the world, or that one person who always wants to talk to you about your car’s extended warranty.

Have no fear however; I am none of those people. I have no intrest in your car and no plans to take over the world. My name is M.J., and I’m a 15-year-old highschool student intrested in writing. What type of writing? Pretty much any type. I started this website to not only provide you with reviews and news, but also to build a platform to share stories old and new. Most of all, I want to inspire you to start writing as well.

So what is this place?

The answer is a small site where I give my two cents about things and provide you with entertaining content that will hopefully get you writing as well. So – once again – welcome to The Tanuki Corner. Let’s get writing!

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