Blog: If You’re a Hiker, You Might do These Things

My family is pretty big on hiking. We live in an area were there are plenty of trails relatively nearby and up until a few years ago, we used to go on many hiking and camping trips where we would be eaten by bugs, get massive sunburns because we didn’t put on enough sunscreen, wonder how many blisters your feet can get, complain about being too hot, then want to do it again the next weekend. So here’s some things you might do if you’re a serious hiker.

: You have a concerning hoard of hiking equipment that takes up half of your basement.

: You plan a hiking trip, get excited, then get to the trail and lose half of your motivation.

#3: You own at least three pairs of hiking boots/shoes, but only use one pair consistently.

#4: Sure, you’ve already hiked three miles and that waterfall is an additional three miles away and you should start going back to your car, but you could totally make it to the waterfall in a few more minutes and hike the six miles back before the sun sets.

#5: In your down time, you watch mostly hiking videos.

#6: You either end up as the person at the very back, the middle, or the front of the group and every position is somewhat annoying.

#7: It’s going to be in the lower 60’s when you go hiking, so naturally you’re going to wear more layers than you need and shed them immediately.

#8: Mosquitoes are your worst enemy.

#9: You’re also looking out for your other worst enemy, the bicyclists that sneaks up behind you expecting you to hear them even though they never rang their bell.

#10: You can’t find parking because someone decided to post pictures of the trail on social media and now everyone knows where your favorite trail is.

#11: Sure, the dogs are cute, but why do they have to be off-leash and why can’t their owners pick up after them?

#12: You want to feed all the chipmunks, but unfortunately, this isn’t a Disney movie and that’s frowned upon.

#13: No matter how much sunscreen you slathered on yourself, you still got burned somewhere.

#14: No matter how well the boots fit, you’ll probably still get a blister.

#15: There’s always that one trail that you keep saying you’ll get to, but never do for some reason.

Until next time,


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