Blog/News: My Reaction to the Rumors About Rings of Power Season 2. My Brain is Now Mush.

As you guys know, I hate Rings of Power to the ends of the Earth and it infuriates me to no end how little respect Amazon has for the Tolkien fandom’s beloved professor and the stories he spent his life on. Now, with Season 2 of Rings of Power on the way (supposedly), the rumors are flowing like the Anduin on LOTR forums across the internet and today I will be giving my two sense on the ones listed by and let me tell you, the future looks bleak for Amazon.

(Full article here:

: Amazon has the rights to The Silmarillion

I think my soul left my body, crashed into a wall while sobbing, beat her head against said wall for a little bit, then returned to continue this human existence after hearing this news.

While these are all just rumors and could be disproven with the release of Season 2, if it is true that Amazon has aquired the rights to The Silmarillion, prepare to see your favorite characters be destroyed even further. It was bad enough that Amazon had The Appendices to ruin, but for the Tolkien fandom, The Silmarillion is like the Bible. It contains much of the basics of what you need to know about Middle Earth and the backstories of many beloved characters like Galadriel, Elrond, the Dwarves, Gil-Galad, etc. as well as some additional info about the Second Age of Middle Earth. If Amazon truly has gotten their hands on it, be prepared to light the beacons. We’re going to war with Amazon once again, but this time will take it to the gates.

However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel for this theory that may disprove it and that is: Amazon hasn’t said anything about aquiring those rights. While there could be a few reasons why they wouldn’t want to say anything about obtaining the rights to The Silmarillion, if the theory is true, you know that someone would break the news about it pretty quickly because of how big of a development it would be.

: Sauron’s Backstory

According to the report provided by, a director for Rings of Power has said that Episode 1 of Season 2 will be a standalone episode focusing on Sauron’s past, starting with him as Mairon the Admirable (played by Gavi Sing Chera) at the Ainulindale, his time as Aule’s apprentice, his turn to serving Melkor, and the other events that happened in the First Age of Middle Earth, which could be a movie in of itself. This – of course – would all hinge upon the showrunners having The Silmarillion in their grasp, but don’t be surprised if they still try off of what info we’re given in The Appendices.

And who knows? With how woke Amazon is, maybe the pervs on Reddit who haven’t picked up a dictionary in 20 years and realized that the word “seduced” has two very different meanings, will finally see the Melkor/Sauron ship be brought to the big screen.

God help us.

Additionally, it’s rumored that Sauron somehow had a son and a wife (characters who only appear in some lady’s demented fanfic) who Adar (a character who isn’t even in the books) killed sometime before Season 1. Adar will then surrender to Sauron and we’ll get a ton of other events that never occur anywhere except in J.D. Payne’s Wattpad account.

Why is any of this being put in the show? WHAT. IS. HAPPENING?!

For additional info on Sauron in Season 2, I highly suggest reading the rest of the article on that I linked at the intro. I need to move on or I’m going to have a stroke.

#3: Celeborn’s finally here

Finally. After wondering for years the question of “Where the hell is Celeborn,” we’re finally getting him in the show and he’s no longer supposedly dead.

Oh…wait…that elf is not Celeborn!

Nope. Apparently Sauron has decided to throw on some more hats and also pretend to be Celeborn to trick Galadriel (because apparently in this version she’s all ovaries and no brain), Gil-Galad, Elrond, and our favorite Grandma-brimbor so he can continue his work in Eregion.

However, we may still see the real Celeborn later in the finale played by Martin Czokas, who has an uncanny resemblance to the original Celeborn from the movies. Still, I would like to know where he was hiding through the events of Season 1.

#4: Grandma-brimbor

He dies. Hopefully his death will be kept accurate to the book (though toned down some since in the book his body was stuck to a pike and carried as a war banner), though it might be more fitting for the show to have him suffer of a stroke and die that way. He certainly looks like he’s at the age where that would be a serious concern.

#5: Melkor/Ungoliant

Why? Just why?

According to the report, there will be an episode about Tom Bombadil and his wife, Goldberry, and just as I thought I had heard the end of cockamany theories about who Tom Bombadil is, I’ve heard a new one and that is that he’s actually Melkor and Goldberry is Ungoliant.

Yeah. Melkor and Ungoliant.

You know…the picture of evil incarnate who was destroyed and cast into the Void at the end of the War of Wrath gets reincarnated as a jolly dude and marries a pretty blonde who’s actually the spider that tried to eat him after he stole the Silmarils.

Is this really the best you can do, Amazon?

#6: The Story of the Mearas

Apparently there’s going to be a whole episode dedicated to how Shadowfax came to be and how Gandalf met him, though those guys are both people from the Third Age.

However, to save you from having to watch that episode, let me summarize it for you before the show even comes out. When a boy horse and a girl horse really love each other….


On the bright side, these are all rumors. Only time will tell if any of these are real or if they’re all fake and we may have a long time to wait, seeing as Amazon hasn’t made any headway with marketing for Season 2 or even in setting an exact date for its release. The only thing I will say for sure about Season 2 is: Bring it on. I am honestly excited to rip it apart the second it comes out and to see the fandom rally together again to humiliate the billion dollar company that flipped them off.

Until next time,


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