Blog: If You’re a Writer/Author, You Might Do These Things.

As you guys know, I’m a writer. I write all the posts for this blog, and I just finished my fourth book. Do I know when any of my books will be coming out? No, because editing, self-publishing, and copyrighting takes forever. However, since I only have one more book to go before the series is complete, I’ve decided to compile a list of things that you might also experience as a writer.

: You may spend hours compiling character names, plot arcs, etc. in your head but never put it on paper.

: You put the character names, plot arcs, etc. onto paper, then decide you don’t like those ideas anymore and redo them.

#3: You see other people and think, “They would make a good character.”

#4: You spend most of your writing time looking at memes about writing, reading the news, watching YouTube shorts, doing chores, etc.

#5: You tell other people that you write books and they become either really confused or super impressed.

#6: You’re constantly thinking about what would happen if your stories were turned into a movie and how it would look and who you would want casted.

#7: You attempt to draw fanart for your books and depending on your artistic ability, it either looks really good or really bad.

#8: When you explain the plot of your books to people, you most likely look something like this…

#9: You wake up at three in the morning with a ton of lore and ideas floating around your head and quickly forget them later.

#10: You constantly question your sanity as you write death scenes for your characters where they die in excruciating pain.

#11: You either feel guilt for the character’s death or you just increase the suffering because why not?

#12: You have become emotionally attached to your characters and when you write a relationship between them, you just hope that people ship them as much as you do.

#13: If you’re not the type to use an outline, you become confused when things randomly happen to your characters, but you’re fine with it because it just works so well.

#14: You spend a lot of time googling words to figure out how to use them in a sentence.

#15: You research how to use thee, thou, thy, thine, you, your, my mine, etc. and now know how to be sassy in Shakespearean English, but are disappointed because no one else uses Shakespearean English and you can’t use your well-thought-out insults.

(Okay, maybe that’s just me.)

#16: You think the person at Homeland Security watching your search history is probably really confused as you research things like “Most gruesome deaths in the ancient world” as you swear up and down that you’re writing a book and here’s the evidence.

#17: You write two words on a blank Word document for a chapter that you’ve been working on for two weeks and you can just tell that it’s all coming together.

#18: Rewrites and revisions are both your favorite part of writing the book, but are also the bane of your existence.

Comment below if I missed any!

Until next time,


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