News: It Somehow Got Worse. Rings of Power Race-swapped Annatar.

As you guys know, I’m very excited and very optomistic for Rings of Power Season 2. After all, the writers said that they would stick closer to the source material for Season 2. Surely, they aren’t lying, right? After all, these people know what they’re doing. They have Tolkien experts on board, right? I’m sure it will be very respectful to the source material and pay homage to our beloved Professor.

Just kidding!

At this point, it’s pretty obvious that even God doesn’t want Rings of Girl Power to be created. So far, a horse has tragically died of cardiac arrest after realizing what show it was in, a set has caught on fire, Britian is pissed at Amazon as they destroy woodland belonging to King Charles, etc. Let’s also not forget that it’s one of the most ratioed shows ever made and at its premiere for Season 1, someone was caught peeing in the corner.

Now its gotten so much worse as Sauron’s form of Annatar has been replaced with actor Gavi Singh Chera, once again race-swapping a beloved character and ruining yet another piece of the lore. For reference, this is what Sauron looked like as Annatar (or, at least, one of the artistic interpretations; art not mine):

Now according to Amazon, he looks like the person who calls you regarding your Medicare refund:

“Hello, this is Annatar. I’m calling offering you the opportunity to make the Rings of Power to keep the hackers away. Please, send me money for the rings.”

What’s even worse is that Amazon is claiming that Annatar is Sauron’s original form. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While Annatar was one of Sauron’s forms that he took to trick the elves, Sauron’s original form would’ve been more like this (according to History of Middle Earth: Morgoth’s Ring he was a good guy in the beginning who was swayed to Morgoth’s side sometime after the Ainulindale and possibly before the Years of the Lamps; once again art not mine):

In the book, after the defeat of Morgoth during the War of Wrath, Sauron refused to go to the Valar to seek their pardon out of pride and thus continued in his mission of evil into the Second Age. At first, he acted to further Morgoth’s agenda, but eventually started working towards his own ends. At this time, he took the form of Annatar and traveled to Lindon to try to convince Celeborn, Gil-Galad, and Galadriel to join him in making the Rings of Power, but was turned away. He then traveled to Eregion where he was able to bring Celebrimbor to his side, convincing him that the Rings of Power would make Middle-Earth as amazing as Valinor. He worked with Celebrimbor for about 600 years teaching him the art of ring making, creating the Seven and the Nine rings for Men and Dwarves. After that, he left and forged the One Ring in Mordor in Mt. Doom while Celebrimbor secretly made the Three Elven Rings. This later would start the War of the Rings in the mid-Second Age and would kick-start the events of Lord of the Rings.

With this known, the fact that Amazon is introducing Annatar this late in the show is absolutely absurd as he is such an important figure, especially since after the War of the Rings he travels to Numenor. On top of that, Amazon is also rumoring that he will have a fight scene with a non-canonical character named Adar in the seventh episode, because why not at this point?

Season 2 will not be close to the original lore and I can’t wait to laugh at its failure.

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