Blog: How to Navigate the Holidays With Food Allergies.

While the holiday season is a time of festivities, family, and celebrations, for many people it can also be one of the most dangerous times of the year. Why? Because there’s food everywhere, much of which is not allergy friendly. As someone with a life-threatening allergy to peanuts and tree-nuts who knows other families with the same allergies, I’ve decided to compile some tips and tricks for how you can make the holidays safer while still having fun in the process.

: Make your own food

Unfortunately, a sad fact about living with allergies is that not everyone will understand it. This means that you have to be very vigilant about what you eat and what you touch. In this case, your safest bet for seeing family around the holidays is by hosting at your house and making your own food. While this can be a strenuous process, it’s safer since you know what’s in your food before you eat it instead of basing it off of what other people have told you. There’s a myriad of recipes out there that you can tweak to accomodate your allergies and you can make new family traditions out of it too.

: Self-advocate

Self-advocating when you have an allergy is something that could mean the difference between a good time or a trip to the hospital. During the holiday season, make sure to calmly let people know what your limitations are so they can help you, even if you’re explaining it for the millionth time. However, this does not mean that it falls on their shoulders alone. Self-advocation also includes you offering to help the host or guests avoid your allergens so you can have a safe time. This can also help other people with your allergies be safe as well.

#3: Wipe down everything or touch very little

Depending on how severe your allergy is, you may not need to do this, but if you’re like me where even trace amounts on the skin can set off a reaction, you will definitely need to wipe down everything. By everything I mean where you’re sitting, what you may be touching etc. On top of this, try not to touch a ton of things unless you absolutely have to. In this case, things like gloves come in handy as long as you are also careful about touching yourself and your stuff. You can wear disposable gloves, though if you want to wear something that’s more reusable and fashionable, you can get a ton of gloves for fairly cheap off of Amazon.

#4: Always carry your meds

This should go without saying, but if you have food allergies and you’re planning on going to things like parties, family get togethers, etc. you need to carry your meds just in case. This includes your Epi-pen, Benadryl, topical antihystamines, and if you have one, an allergy braclet or necklace that lists what you’re allergic to and what medications you take.

#5: Bring your own food

This goes back to making your own food, but if you are going to something like a holiday party and are uncomfortable with eating the food provided, make sure to bring your own food, drinks, and snacks. You are the one who understands your allergy best, and it’s primarily going to be your job to keep yourself safe.

Comment below if I missed anything and what some of your tips are.

Until next time and happy Thanksgiving,


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