Blog: I Threw a Blog Post Into Google Translate. This is How it Went.

I’ve been watching a lot of Google Translate videos recently where people throw random words, recipes, etc. into Google Translate and explore how badly translated it was. This gave me an idea. What would happen if I put one of my blog posts into Google translate? This led to me to going on a very strange ride through the world of AI trying to understand language that turned out very well.

(Comment at the end which blog, review, etc. you think this was from.)

Google Translate’s Blog

Each event is named

Even before we had J.R.R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings series. I love Peter Jackson. here is. But I hope the event will be successful for the teacher. With The Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings and Tolkien among the newcomers, I can call America the ring of Zouk.

1: Graphics

If you want to know that Ring of Power includes Galadriel many characters and personalities described in books and movies, you have a small one. Ole, the famous disciple of Melian Yavanna, a hidden young woman, two and three years old, then in the mass of less than two years between the greatest young Sauron and the pious female of the Valar; We all come together with the crazy, psychopathic Gadriel the Avenger. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . I’m not popular either. His mother, the Elven Mother Galadriel, was another woman who served after Fëanor and the Noldor. What is Wiman’s turn to power! It measures 1.70 inches in diameter, which, without manual settings, folds to two feet very nicely.

According to this mystery, Galadriel not only serves the people, but also plays secrets and secrets, like King Gil-galad. He goes too far and threatens to destroy his best influence. I think she’s going to shoot her man because someone caught her and told her to get more snow (pronounced: less snow. We’ve all seen this meme). He always acts like a winner and he got a call last month but somehow he got his way because everyone on the show was confused. For a long time, Uncle Fëanor was very friendly and looked like Sauron.

Isn’t that a great thing? Is it late but? Boss, is it good for you to have authority and representation? skilled Galadriel; I told all the pigs! (For example, a thin layer of baby fat and lots of water-softened bacon).


2: What does this word mean?

There is content, there is a story, there is a luxurious story content. A pattern for many more things to happen next.

100% right now

Find the same first chapter as the previous Japanese song: com/watch?v=5VYZ6ZRRj9A

YouTuber Dispar 1 YouTuber Dispar 1 Amazon doesn’t have it.

3: What is the difference between these two?

Japanese amulet, Japanese amulet, drum Santan drum sun Santa Claus scratch catapult people who are afraid to leave the house. People are afraid to leave their homes.

In the Hobbit chapter of The Lord of the Rings, Halffoot is Halffoot33 3 3 people, 3 people, 3 people, 1 person, 3 people, 3 people, 3 people, 3 Lots of things happen.

What is the difference between Japanese and Japanese? In the future, Japanese people will be able to understand Japanese, and a lot will happen in the future.

“It is not difficult to understand the meaning of the words. It’s the meaning of the words. “After all, what’s the difference with Japanese?” It’s clean, the atmosphere is nice, and the price is 0/10.

4: Unnecessary “R” random roll.

It’s personal and private, but every time I see a clip with a Ring of Power character I think it’s important to keep it personal. This is disappointing. A nail is hammered into the board.

Contrary to popular belief, despite the RC for Galadriel and Sauron, there is no doubt about the original writings of the Mystery. Because this is the correct art to represent the comparison of nouns in Quenya and Sindarin. In the Tengwar textbook (used in Quenia and Sindar), there are two letters (in Tengwar and Huber) that represent the letter r: Roman and Ore. (as in Quine’s name Sauron). It’s cloudy. Ore is used after a vowel, before a consonant, or at the end of a verb (e.g. “number” or “phenofin”). This legend doesn’t turn.

Writing in Tanwari is as easy as English (no, I personally am not fluent (I learned to write G in the same school as Alvis) and I know how it works. Different methods. I know how private writing is during the Working hours are going well. I’m disappointed” was played.

5: Clothing

Rinka’s clothes were also bad. I know some things are beautiful, but who are they?

From the moon, the pointed ears of an elf and the face of a giant drill can be seen, their spots merging with the skin. Arundel’s armor looks nothing like Tolkien, and every time I see it I see typical ENT designs like the leather bag, the bracelets, the staff and the clock. That’s it. Overall, the lack of security is enormous. In short, it is a Numenorean live neck that looks very flexible, cheap, has built-in protection and makes a lot of noise. Galadriel’s armor looks slightly better, but what makes the story more confusing is the armor itself. We can ignore the fact that it is plate armor and not chain mail, but why do we admire the Star of Fenrir on Galadriel’s chest? In the book, Galadriel wears an old man’s hat, probably because the old man’s mark is broken. You go into battle in your armor and cloak. In addition to mythology, the symbols of the horse were important in medieval Europe as they indicated the origins of people. Since Galadriel is out of commission at some point in the book, the symbols worn by the other women could be those of her father Fenarph or her husband Celebon.

The elf’s casual outfit, including the helmet, seems cheap compared to Peter Jackson’s dark elf (even adjusted for inflation to make up for the understatement). Celebrimbor, still in the forge, is depicted in maternity clothes, Elrond appears as a thief in the eyes of the Romans, and Gil-Galad’s clothing suggests that he participated in role-playing competitions. They steal gold. It appears to be based on a letter. Talmiral also had very interesting hair accessories and wore different outfits. Compare them with Lincom. In addition to lighting, use the lighting to make the elf even more dreamy and match the clothes to Pi’s designs. How do I check the frequency? Tolkien formula artists Ted Nadersmith, Lee Howe and John Howe. Viggo Mortensen (Haiku Master of Servants of Aragon) added new instructions to Aragon’s suits as the chokehold was not always effective. I can remember details, pay attention to details, pay attention to details and work hard.

Until next time,


One thought on “Blog: I Threw a Blog Post Into Google Translate. This is How it Went.

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  1. M.J. here. If ya’ll guessed that this was from my post “Review: Rings of Power is a Massive Flop (Spoilers). Part 1/3.” then you’re correct.


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