Blog: OG Stories of My Childhood. Presenting “The Book Clones”.

As I’ve been doing this series on my original stories that I wrote when I was younger, I’ve realized that I haven’t done the longest story in the creative writing journal yet. The story I’m referring to was written when I was eight years old and was actually the story that inspired me to start writing my own books. While nothing ultimately came of those books and I abandoned those stories when I reached Book 3, it seems to have inspired a pattern where I will write short stories, think the world is cool, build some more lore, and decide to make entire books based off of the worlds of those short stories. Maybe I’ll publish some of the more recent stories from middle-school to today at some point, though that may be a while since I would like to get them copyrighted first. Anyway, without further ado, I present “The Book Clones.”

The Book Clones

It was a normal day as Adam woke up at 7:30, got dressed, ate breakfast, combed his hair and helped his sister, Janet out the door, and to the bus stop. Janet was 7. Adam was 13, and had light black hair, tan skin, purple eyes and as very scientific and sportsy. His last name was Lune. Janet described Adam as big as a bear, herself as small as a song sparrow, and Mr. and Mrs. Lune as big as elephants. [Author’s Note: Purple eyes, huh? It seems this has been a theme that has stayed with me even into my character designs today.]

They left their home and got [to] the bus stop. The bus was ten minutes late. Two buses came. One to the Metitroplis [Metropolis] Canyon Elementary School. The second one was to M.C.J.H. (Metitroplis [Metropolis] Canyon Junior High).

“All right teen. We’re going to have a scientific experiment.” said Tr. Madiline, “What we’re going to do is see [if] you can act a story without reading it, and I mean a story you never read.”

“That could never work. I must cheat,” said Adam. When he was on the way home, his phone rang. “[Hello],” said Adam.

“Yes, Adam dear your so called ‘untidy bear cave’ needs cleaning after you shower,” said Mrs. Lune.

“Yes, Mom. Bye.”

Beep. When he arrived, he showered, and went to his room to clean. He picked up his [IDK what this word was supposed to be] and put it right next to his wardrobe. [He] folded his clothes, put his baseball bat away, ate, and went to sleep. Only for seven hours. The he woke up and instantly stared [at] the project. “I’m glad I don’t have a small, cosy as a bird’s nest, small like a lion’s den [room]. Though I do want a room as big as a elephant cave, that’s very office like,” said Adam. [Author’s note: Why did I think that seven hours of sleep was a short amount of time when I was eight? That’s a pretty decent night’s sleep for most people. Also, please enjoy these random similies Little-me decided to throw in.]

He tried a few times of his experiment of cheating on his science experiment. Then.[,] to his surprise, feet grew out of the book! He pulled the portal open [and] the rest of the body came out[,] then ten, then twenty, then eighty, and then 100! “Wait, hold on characters[.] [L]et me get my Frankenstein wig,” said Adam. He ran very fast, retrieved the wig, and said, “It’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive!”

[Author’s note: To be fair…if my characters from my stories or from anyone else’s stories started coming out of the books, after getting over my initial shock (and hopefully not getting killed if the villians or monsters decide to come out), I would probably have done the same thing. Though I don’t have a Frankenstein wig.]

“What’s the child talking about?” asked Kylo Wolf.

“Mmm-mmm,” said a storm panther. Adam put a D.V.D in[to the player and] switched it to the beginning of Van Helsing and copied Frankenstein.

“Huh?” said Kylo [Wolf]

“Wow. You are a character from a book!” said Adam. “Because you have no idea what this is.”

“Yes, and more,” said Kylo Wolf. More characters came, only out [of] the other books like Lord of the Rings, Tarzan, and Spiderman.

“You’re friendsly, right? Me, you, creator[?]” asked Adam.

“Don’t play friend or for with me. I’m going to destroy planet Earth and make it mine, then make the surrendering people my slaves. But first, to destroy you, and when I say ‘destroy you’, I mean kill you and your family,” said Kylo Wolf.

[Author’s note: I can’t stop laughing at this villian monologue. We need more like this.]

“No!!!” said Adam.

“What’s going on?!” asked Mom, Dad, and Janet. [Author’s note: Where did they come from?]

“Quick! Get out!” said Adam.

“Kill them!” Kill them all!” ordered Kylo Wolf.

The storm panthers and Kylo Wolf left, but some stayed. Adam ran out the window just in time when he spotted the petbots flying over the house. “Master Ninja, we’ve spotted a 0099er. It’s something we’ve never done. What do we do?” asked Catteria.

“Listen up, you mist combine your powers to beat them,” said Master Ninja.


They landed in the yard. “Don’t worry kids, we can protect you.” said Panther-boy, as he blew away and punched a storm panther [into] the sky.

“Hawkboy meet me in quadrent #12N87,” said Chinchilla-boy.

Hawkboy hurried over. “Quick, do something,” said Hawkboy.


“Seriously, a fart?” asked Hawkboy.

“Ugh! What is that smell?” asked a panther. He fainted.

“Never underestimate the power of chinchilla toots. Hehe!” said Chinchilla-boy.

“Go away you evil, wicked, pests!” yelled Panther-gild at a storm panther. Just then, Kylo Wolf came into the middle of the street.

“Ha, you thought you could…” said Kylo Wolf, but Chincilla-boy had pood on Kylo Wolf. “Ahh! Get it off, get it off, GET IT OFF!”

The storm panthers laughed and taunted [him].

“Well, let’s get this done with or it ain’t good,” said Catman.

[Author’s note: BECAUSE I’M CATMAN! Sorry. That was a low-hanging fruit.]

So they used the ‘gold’ setting so they could use the Crypton! The neighbors came out of the houses to see what was going on and saw the petbots using the Crypton! They were blinded, but joyus, when the Petbots blew the invaders away. The petbots’ job wasn’t done. They found out that it was the book. [They] already had portals. So the petbots zapped the portal and made it so it never opened again. Now the family was safe.

The End.

[Author’s note: Usually I would have something to say about the story and maybe comment on what grade I would give it or something but this…this I have no words for. 10/10 fanfic.]

Until next time,


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