News: The Marvels is Marvelously Bad.

Disney’s newest flop, The Marvels came out this Sunday and after a terrible projected earning of only $60 million dollars somehow managed to do even worse only scraping in a tiny $41 million. Remeber, this was Marvel’s fourth most expensive movie, costing $274.8 million. It was supposed to do well. Why didn’t it?

Was it superhero fatigue?

Was it because we hate female superheroes?

Or was it because we didn’t want to see a movie where two depressed wine moms with cats and their teenage friend run around the galaxy trying to defeat someone who is should’ve actually been the good guy while retconning better movies?

If you guessed the last reason, you’re correct.

Staring Brie Larson (an angry feminist who has made her pro-cat-mom stance abundantly clear) The Marvels was a movie where nothing made sense, where the supposed good guys were actually genocidal maiacs who pretty much destroyed an entire planet, killing millions of people, and the villian wasn’t Thanos as was guessed from the clickbaity trailers. Instead, the villian was another “diverse” girlboss who looks more souless then a mannequin, but has plenty of botox to make up for it. If you’re a guy reading this, would you really appreciate going to the theaters for that? Don’t you feel great after watching all those Disney+ Shows and movies that were supposed to fill in the plot holes of The Marvels, but didn’t?

Alongside the obviously terrible story and completely forgetable characters whose only internal struggles are the struggles of coming to terms with how wonderful and empowered they are, people were loath to see another superhero movie from a studio that is honestly dying. Ever since Disney+ came out and started saturating the market with Marvel shows that ranged from okay to dumpster fire, many of their movies have simply become less anticipated. Marvel and Disney by extension, have lost all illusion of suspense when it comes to releasing new content. While we used to have to wait for years for the next, high-quality chapter of the story to come out, we now get a bunch of never ending fluff from the M-She-U. The potential customer knows that the next movie is just going to be more fluff and so has less of an interest in seeing the movie, instead spending their disposable income on other things that they would rather watch. This is how a franchise dies and we’re watching it die in real time.

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