Blog: More OG Stories. Frog and Toad are Spies Now.

It’s been a while since I graced you all with the chaotic stories that I wrote when I was much younger. We’ve gone through pretty much all the stories I wrote when I was seven, so now it’s time to start going through the stories that I wrote when I was eight. At this point, my stories for the most part started becoming longer and more complex than just following the usual plot lines stolen from other stories. Were they still fanfiction? Yes. But they were better, more creative fanfic.

Toad and Frog In Spy Squad

It was a [typical] day at Toad’s house. Frog came over to Toad’s house down at [place close to where I live]. “Would you like to go on [a] picnic at [city where I live] in a neighborhood? It’s perfect weather to go out” asked Frog.

“Why certainly!” exclaimed Toad.

“Perfect! I have the picnic basket set and ready.”

So they went to [city where I live], where, in fact I and my brother live with Mom and Dad who are also agents like I [am] and [my brother] with my daughters, who are spy agents.

[Author’s note: First of all, can we just take a moment to appreciate this meta-type story in all its ridiculous glory?

Okay. That’s enough of that.

Secondly, I was still playing with dolls and stuff at this age where I was (naturally) the mom figure who taught everyone how to do everything, which is why I refered to some characters in this story as “my daughters. Like I’ve said in other posts on my OG stories, Little-Me was weird.]

Toad and Frog went in my backyard, and [into] my window which was really a secret door, opened. Toad and Frog, who were fill of curiosity, went in, slid through a tube, and entered the agency. “Why hello Toad and Frog. We’ve been waiting for you.” said Iris (who is the intercom [with] Ingered).

“How do you know our names?” asked Frog.

“We know everyone’s names in the United States[,]” said Ingered.

“Okay. Now on with the tour,” said Iris.

“This is crazy[,] right[?]” [asked] Toad.

“Yeah, sure is[,]” said Frog.

“Now,” began Iris. “This is the science lab where we make equipment and other scientific things.”

“Wow, it[‘s] great in here!”

“Oh, I almost forgot. This is agent Frodo, our scientist.”

[Author’s note: I had completely forgotten that Frodo was in this story. Apparently, he’s a secret agent too.]

“Hi guys[.] [H]ow are ya?” asked Frodo.

“Uh, we’re good,” said Toad.

“Now,” said Iris, “come along this is the bakery.”

“Hey[!] [W]hat’s this room?” asked Toad.

“That’s the meeting room. Now, to the office room. Boys, pay attention. This room is the most important because it’s where we get missons and these are the presidents of the agency. I’d like you to meet Teresa, Barbie, and Renee.”

“Wow!” [ they said together.]

“Now I must go.” [said Iris.]

“Hello!!!” said the presidents.

“We are your bosses and we’ll be showing you your mission,” said Teresa. They walked in the meeting room. There they met Computer. “Computer,” said Barbie. “Show them the mission.”

Computer obediently did as he was told. He showed the mission and Barbie explained. “Someone is taking light to power something. Something that could destroy is and other industries and departments. We’ll need your help. We’ve printed these clone robots for you to control.”

“The light went out!” said Toad.

“It must be.” said Barbie, “He’s attacking! You guys need to work this thing.”

The spoes went out and reprogramed the machine with Iorn [Author’s note: Who’s Iorn? Where did he come from? We don’t know. Little-Me never thought it was important.], Toad and Frog’g help. Soon after that[,] they were famous.

[Author’s Note: My main critique of this story (other than the twelve-bajillion spelling/grammer mistakes in here is how rushed the ending seemed. The dialouge and intro explaining who these people are and what the spy squad is was interesting, but the ending just kind-of puttered out at the last second. This could’ve been an interesting story if it had gone on for longer.]

Until next time,


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