Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 3: Censorship.

Finally ending this series on the reasons why you shouldn’t allow your kids on Roblox, I’m going to talk about the last big problem that seals the corruption of Roblox: censorship. While you might not think that censorship really affects your kids, it actually does. Roblox has inadvertently backed themselves into a corner and admitted their mistakes by trying to censor anyone who speaks out about how they have capitalized on parent’s misplaced trust in their platform.

: Ruben Sim

Ruben Sim has obviously come up a lot in this series and the reason why is because he is one of the leading voices in a community of people who are desperately trying to make Roblox a safe place for kids. Unfortunately, that responsibility has come with many consequences as Ruben has been targeted by Roblox several times. In November 2021, Roblox sued the YouTuber Ruben Sim $1.6 million in the case Roblox Corporation vs. Simon.

For what charge? Simply put, Ruben Sim had come out with a video talking about the shady dealings of Roblox and they considered that to be a threat to the company. To end that “threat”, they said that he was the leader of a cyber mob that was harassing Roblox and was a terrorist. In the end, they fined him $150,000, but he has launched a counter suit against them.

However, since then, Ruben Sim’s YouTube and Twitter accounts have been being monitered every day by Roblox in case he posts anything that they consider “defamation” (i.e. the truth). On Discord, people including condo-game owners and furries have sent him death threats. It’s gotten to a point that in order to escape detection on Twitter from the Roblox mob, he’s had to move most of his work to a new Twitter account called “Moderation for Dummies” to keep it from being deleted by Roblox.

: People Make Games

Ruben Sim isn’t the only person who has been threatened with legal action by Roblox. When the channel People Make Games posted a video about how Roblox exploits children to make games for them, Roblox asked them to take it down. Confused, People Make Games called Roblox to ask them why. What happened was that they would give him no other explanation other than a shoddily written news article that didn’t even get the YouTuber’s name right. Roblox clearly doesn’t want people knowing about what they are doing.

#3: Why do they do this?

As I’ve said before, Roblox doesn’t want people knowing what actually goes on on their platform and there’s two reasons for this:

1). They’ll lose money if parents know what’s happening.

2). The people at Roblox are just as perverted as the pedophiles.

One of the reasons why things aren’t as monitored as they should be is because much of it is passed through the hands (code (?) of AI, which doesn’t know what’s appropriate or not. However, that doesn’t mean that Roblox doesn’t have any human moderators; they do. While I’m not saying all the human moderators are perverts, it seems like many are since they’re allowing so much crap to fly on the platform. In the video “Moderating Roblox Better Than Their Own Employees”, Ruben Sim mentions how it’s a well-founded theory that Roblox likes furries and that’s why they allow so many pornographic things relating to that group on the website. In fact, one of their social media moderators was actually very into that type of stuff on his personal Twitter account.

Of course, if parents knew any of this, Roblox would be in major trouble. Roblox depends on parents trusting their kids with them to make money. If parents were to wake up and see what was happening and what their kids were running into, Roblox would go bankrupt from all the lawsuits that would inevitably be being filed. That’s why they’re trying to censor anyone who speaks out about these things, accusing them of defamation. The only thing that’s saving them right now is the laxness of parents while they use Roblox to babysit 3-year-old Susie so they can take a nap after dealing with screaming one-month-old Kevin. If there are any parents with children reading this right now, get your kids off of Roblox and make sure to check who they’ve been talking to.

Until next time,


(Bibliography For this series:

“Roblox Meep City is Worse than you Think” “The Roblox Developer That Got Arrested by the FBI” “Investigation: How Roblox is Exploiting Young Game Developers” “Roblox Pressured Us to Delete Our Video. So We Dug Deeper” “The *DISGUSTING* TRUTH Behind The ROBLOX YouTuber FAVE/FAAVE (P3DOPHILE Allegations)” “Roblox Is Suing Me For $1.6 Million/ Ep1 Death Valley” “ROBLOX NEEDS MY HELP (And Yours Too)” “Why I’m Suing Roblox” “Roblox Users and Growth Stats”. By: Brain Dean. Published: 10/10/22)

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