Blog/News: You Might Want to Rethink Letting Your Kids on Roblox After This. Part 2: Rampant Pedophillia.

Warning: This post deals with pedophillia and sexual abuse/content on Roblox. If you are a kid reading this or are an adult who’s squemish about these things, you have been warned.

Welcome to the second post in this series where I do a deep dive into the horrors of Roblox and expose it for the disgusting scam that it is. Yesterday, I wrote about how Roblox unfairly uses children to create games for it’s platform and today I’m going to be discussing something even more disturbing and that is how Roblox has an extreme problem with sexual predators going after children that has been going on for years.

: The Case of Arnold Castillo (a.k.a. Jason Shedletsky)

This is a perfect example of the sexual abuse that goes on behind the scenes at Roblox that goes unmonitored and unreported for years on end. Mr. Castillo is best known for creating the Sonic the Hedgehog knockoff game Sonic Eclipse Online (which I will call SEO for the sake of time). SEO started as a small game, but soon grew to have a huge online following with a huge Discord server with over 12 people working on it. Arnold was the highest paid Roblox developer at that time and one of the fans that he commonly talked to was a girl who goes by the alias, Sarah. Sarah was 12 at the time while Arnold was 24. He would send her sexually charged messages on Discord saying that he would rape her and that “she would be the reason he ended up behind bars”.

Spoiler alert: she was the reason he ended up behind bars.

In 2020, the Roblox YouTuber Ruben Sim got a tweet from a fan of his in Japan about a list of allegations posed by Sarah against Arnold Castillo. That same day, Arnold had posted a YouTube video saying that they were just jokes, etc. and his employees who also worked on SEO came to his aid, one of them saying “He’s not an [f-bomb] pedophile”. Arnold also accused Sarah of being an attention seeker.

In an interview with People Make Games (you may remember them from the last post), Sarah shared her story and said that the anxiety from the whole thing made her self-harm. Ruben Sim got involved and started tweeting about it, which caught the attention of a Roblox staff member, who offered to help. After his conversation with the staff member, Arnold’s main account was deleted, but none of his extra backup accounts were, which meant that SEO was still operating and he was still getting money from it. In fact, his income just about tripled from all the drama drawing more players to his game.

In November, Ruben notified the local police, but they couldn’t do anything about it because they didn’t have enough info. Fast forward to 2021, and the video game company SEGA filed a copyright notice against Roblox for SEO. Finally, in 2022, a group of people found Arnold’s true identity and personal info and Ruben tipped off the police again. In May, Arnold disappeared from Discord and Roblox because he had started having contact with a 15-year-old girl on Discord, but this time had told her that he had bribed an Uber driver with $1000 to bring her to his house. Luckily by this point, the FBI had gotten involved and caught him with the 15-year-old at his house.

(To see the full video breaking down the events described, click this link here:

: The YouTuber Faave

Another Roblox user (a YouTuber this time) called Faave, has recently been accused of grooming and other sexual misconduct by several young women that he had reportedly been chatting with on Snapchat and Discord. There’s a 96-page Google doc that goes into all the messages Faave has sent to these young women. Many of these messages ask for them to send him naked pictures and other explicit content of themselves. While this has been brought up many times by Roblox fans, the corporation has done nothing to ban his account. Many of his fans have tried to defend him, but all their claims have been debunked. Not even YouTube has done anything for that matter.

#3: Andrew

Andrew is a Roblox game creator who – while to my knowledge has left his main account innactive for a while – has still been active at Roblox as early as last month. Famous for his mini-game called “Grab the Child”, Andrew is one of the highest paid developers (much like Mr. Castillo…there seems to be a trend here) and has been shown posing for pictures with the CEO of Roblox at RDC conventions. Andrew has been called out numerous times by YouTubers who actually care for the safety of children for sending aggregious messages to kids over Discord and Roblox admitting to the fact that he has (and still does) assaulted his younger sister several times while she was asleep, encouraged a child to molest their sibling, and even sent a message saying that a child’s first sexual experience should be rape because “then they know what they’re made for”.

If only there was someone at Roblox with Andrew’s personal info who could report him to the FBI and hopefully get him a lifetime in prison or (if this was a just world) the death sentence. Oh wait….

(To see where I found this out here’s the video:

#4: People of Roblox

While Roblox has been banning people’s accounts for saying things like “hi”, “LOL”, “whee”, etc. they have been doing nothing about people, games, clothing, decals, and groups that are blatantly pedophilic/sexually graphic. In a video series (which you can find here: by the YouTuber Ruben Sim who owns a Discord and Twitter account called “Moderation for Dummies”, you can see how depraved a lot of these people are, often wearing scanty clothing, no clothing at all (Ruben actually found several examples of these people within seconds of clicking on the groups they were in), or having names that I can’t even give an example of because they are so sexually graphic. Essentially, these people are the personifications of the Cardi B song “WAP” and they’re allowed to walk around in front of your kids in games.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the groups that they are in often have thumbnails of anime girls that may look innocent to an unassuming child (which is what they’re going for), but are in fact cropped images from child pornography. In fact, you can usually tell if your child is being stalked online by predators by going through who’s following them or are friends with them, and looking through the groups their followers are in. If you see an anime girl or something glitzy like that, it’s likely a pedophile ring.

#5: Meep City and Condo Games

In a video by the Youtuber, Laughability, he talks about how in the popular Roblox game MeepCity, your kids could be exposed to pornography, pole dancing, and other such explicit acts in some of the parties that are hosted in the game. I’m not kidding you. Within 4 minutes of joining a server, he found a shirt with a naked woman on it, random beds, inappropriate Roblox clothing, and virtual strippers. In another video talking about the same thing, when he pulled up the server page, he was exposed to the same shirt with the naked woman on it. He’s not the only one either. Many other YouTubers have run across the same problem, even going so far as to dub MeepCity as being “the most dangerous game on Roblox”.

While this problem has been supposedly been solved (it hasn’t been solved at all, Roblox is just trying to save face), there are many other games like MeepCity called “condo” games that are hangouts for pedophiles. There are also games that are nothing but fetish roleplays and a few of them have even made it to the most popular section. Roblox has since been starting to crack down on them, but they are still popping up like weeds. Aside from that, Ruben Sim did a video called “Roblox Needs My Help (And Yours Too)”, talking about how there are blatantly pedophilic Roblox avatars that reference rape, grooming, and other explicit things in their bios. Even though he has reported these people multiple times, Roblox hasn’t done anything about it and they are still up and still abusing kids.

#6: My Experience Dealing with a Pedophile on Roblox

Unfortunately, because my brother is a game creator on the platform and has a moderator gamepass in several games on Roblox, I have had to help deal with a pedophile in the game “Twisted: Beta”. “Twisted: Beta” is a storm chasing game that my brother and thousands of other people play where you chase tornadoes, plant probes in the path of the storm, etc. Basically, if Storm Chasers was a game, it would be that.

One day while he was playing this game, I was sitting next to him reading the Roblox chat bar (it can sometimes be really funny) when I noticed some strange messages being sent to and from someone to another player that was using a lot of innuendos for certain acts. While it went over his head, I understood enough of it to know what was going on and we ended up reporting it. While, thankfully, because of my brother’s status on Roblox, we got the perverts’ accounts terminated, we later found out when the notification came in that one of them had been banned three times before being terminated for cussing in the chat and sexual harrassment. It took Roblox three complaints before they got rid of him permanently.

If that alone doesn’t convince you to get your kids off of Roblox, I don’t know what will.

Until next time,


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