News: Dailywire’s Brett Cooper to be Snow White in the New Adaption Coming Out on BentKey in 2024.

In a video that came out this Monday, Dailywire CEO Jeremy Boring announced that the Dailywire was releasing a new streaming service called BentKey, which is dedicated to providing child-friendly entertainment in the wake of Disney coming out with shows that actively push LGBTQ+ and CRT on your kids. While he announced that BentKey would feature the long anticipated shows Chip Chilla (a review of that is coming soon) and A Wonderful Day With Maybel McKlay, Boring also announced that an anti-woke adaption of the Grimms fairytale, Snow White, would be coming out in 2024, starring the popular YouTuber and commentator, Brett Cooper.

In the announcement, Boring talked about how Disney had built themselves from the ground up primarily thanks to their release of the 1937 animated classic of Snow White and how after you fast foward more than 80 years to 2023, they are trying to destroy it by making it politcally correct. While it wasn’t said out loud in the announcement, it is my belief that the reason why Dailywire is making their own faithful adaptation of the beloved Grimms fairytale is because they want the audience to compare and contrast it to the Disney version featuring Rachel Zegler, and if that is their plan, it’s already working.

While Disney hasn’t even come out with a trailer for their adaptation, every single promo for it has been ratioed into oblivion and thoroughly mocked online. Meanwhile, the Dailywire trailer (which is only 51 seconds long) has 40K likes and a slew of postive comments. Instead of looking like a cheap Halloween costume, Brett Cooper’s Snow White dress is beautiful and original while Rachel Zegler’s was hilariously cheap. The cinematography was better than anything we’ve seen in the promos for the Disney version and it looks like it actually has soul to it.

Understandably, though, this is making Disney very nervous as they have started investigating Dailywire like the sore losers they are. Executives at Disney are even planning on taking legal action to make sure that the Dailywire doesn’t steal the original adaptation of the original story. They are demanding that the Dailywire releases details about the movie’s plot and info about if it is a remake of the animated film or not. In other words, Disney is so desperate at this point to hold onto the IP that they flipped off that they are making it as difficult as possible for Dailywire to release their adaptation.

Rachel Zegler also is not thrilled about this development, as she is now facing competition from Brett Cooper for who is the better Snow White, preparing a statement against Dailywire and for race-swapping. This competition has since escalated as Cooper has promised to ramp up promotion for her take on the character over the holdiay season, the same time Disney is expected to drop their trailer. Already she seems to be gaining more points than Zegler because she is the more accurate version and isn’t a screaming feminist nutball.

On the bright side for the Dailywire, I highly suspect that they aren’t going to be doing a beat-for-beat remake of the Disney movie because we have seen that before a million times from other studios. Instead, it’s more likely that they’ll be doing a faithful adaptation of the Gimm Brothers’ faiytale, which has been in the public domain for many, many decades. On top of that, it isn’t called Snow White and the Evil Queen, not Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which I think helps confirm my theory that this will be a different – but still faithful – take on the original story.

Until next time,


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