Blog: All Books of the Bible Summarized (Old Testement)

(Disclaimer: This is satire and not to be taken seriously. I am not – by any means – a Bible expert. This is just based off of my understanding of it. Please do not use this as something to build your theology off of.)

: Genesis

Really guys? Can you not sin for…like…five seconds? This is why we can’t have nice things. At least this guy survived the powerwashing.

: Exodus

We’re getting out of here guys! A burning bush told me! To milk and honey we go!

#3: Leviticus

The Israelities build a cool tent to sacrifice animals in. Does anyone understand it? Nope.

#4: Numbers

No, we’re not there yet. If y’all would shut up, we would get to the promised land a lot faster.

#5: Deuteronomy

Moses: I have the 15 – *drops one* – the Ten Commandments. BTW, why are you guys dancing around a statue.

#6: Joshua

We made it! Thank you God!

#7: Judges

Don’t do dumb stuff. God will punish you.

#8: Ruth

Naomi: Go back Ruth, I’m going to Bethlehem alone.

Ruth: Of course you are, and I’m coming with you!

(Author: If you got that repurposed quote, I’m giving you an A+)

#9: 1 Samuel

Sammy makes Saul the king and David gets chosen to be the next king.

#10: 2 Samuel


#11: 1 Kings


#12: 2 Kings

We had some good times, some bad times…some really bad times. When will we learn?

#13: 1 and 2 Chronicles

Time travel back to when Dave prepares to build the temple. Solomon becomes the ruler and Judah exiled by Babylon.

#14: Ezra

Time to reconstruct everything.

#15: Nehemiah

We built a wall and made Judah great again.

#16: Esther

Beauty pagent winner saves her people.

#17: Job

Satan: I bet I can get this guy to no longer be faithful.

God: Okay. Bet.

Job: Why me?

#18: Psalms

A bunch of people penned so many bops that a book was dedicated to them.

#19: Proverbs

Here’s some common sense. Don’t be stupid.

#20: Ecclesiastes

You can’t tell me Solomon wasn’t going through an emo phase when writing this.

#21: Song of Solomon

Yeah, this guy would know, wouldn’t he?

#21: Isaiah

We suck but there’s a cool dude called the Messiah coming.

#22: Jeremiah

God’s angry at you again. What was it this time?

#23: Lamentations

Whelp…this is what happens when you don’t follow God.

#24: Ezekiel

You’re gonna be saved at some point! For now you’re still in trouble, though.

#25: Daniel:

Generally, you want to avoid being yeeted into a pit of lions.

#26: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah

Hosea married a woman for the sake of proving God’s point and no one remembers the others.

#27: Jonah

If you see a whale, please do not do what this guy did.

#28: Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi


Until next time,


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