Blog: More OG Stories. Little-Me was Weird.

On Monday, I posted a blog about some the original stories that I came up with when I was a small child. You guys seemed to like that post and I really enjoy going through my old stories and seeing what was going on in my brain at age 7, so here are some more weird stories.

: The Merprincess

Once upon a time, far away in the depths of the ocean, lived 14 merprincesses. Their names were Anistasa, Ederastella, Findestella [Author’s note: is she realated to Finrod, Fingon, Finduilas? We may never know.], Cinderaella, Psificaelle, Indeaella, Shenterella, Omayele, Tenderella, Tendella, Fanterella, Fella, Noreaella, and Ariel.

[Author’s note: Little-Me came up with a ton of great, hard-to-pronounce character names. Maybe I should incorporate them into my books….]

Their father, King Tirten [Triton (?)], lived with them. Ariel was curious, beautiful, lovely, and kind. One night, Ariel went up to the surface of the water. When King Triten [Author’s note: Okay, this was definitely supposed to be Triton.] found out, he was furious. Ariel was upset. That night [,] Tendella said to Ariel [,] “I’m sorry that you can’t go to the surface.”

“But it’s hopeless,” Ariel said.

Soon [,] she floated to the surface and grew legs! Then she started to explore. When Ariel was exploring [,] she saw a prince coming. She walked toward him and said, “I know you. I met you when we were kids!”

[Author’s note: It sort-of ends there, but the added in ending goes:

When Ariel got to land, she saw Prine Eric and said, “Eric!” and he said “Ariel!”

“I’ve missed you! Where have you been?”

Ariel replied, “With my sisters.”

Then [,] 9 years later [,] they got married and ruled for a long time and never had any problems.

While this was a cute attempt at a story, this was definitely The Little Mermaid fanfiction, down to the names of the father, main protagonist, and love interest. However, credit to 7-year-old-me for coming up with all those interesting fantasy names.]

: Eleven Kids Get Stuck at Sea

“Recess! Come on children!” said teacher Mairyeta, as the children call[ed] her.

The next day was a good day because they got the day off of school! The eleven orphan children were planning something [.] “Let’s make a house!” said one.

“No. We’ve done that a million times [,] Jay!” said the other [,] named Tray.

“Then […] uh […] maybe we could […] um […] play castle [,]” said Jack [,] the third orphan. [Author’s note: Jack is that one meme that goes, “Have…have you ever had a dream…where…umm…”]

“Hmm […] maybe we could do arts and crafts?” said the fourth, Maxen.

“No,” said Henry.

“Yes!’ May, Sid, Grace, and Richard yelled.

Then Rossetta said, “We could do the poka.”

“I have an even better plan [.] We can go surfing!” said Tirca.

“Yes!” said everyone else and so they went.

They climbed on board, but the wave threw them on a different island! [Author’s note: Apparently, I had no idea how surfing works. One board per person.]

Everybody went into a panick! “I’ll go see if there is any food.” said Tica.

“I found some!” one said. It was a giant carrot! All eleven children carried and roasted and danced […IDK what goes here. Around, maybe?] the fire. It was a good day, indeed.

[Author’s note: A+ for dialouge, but why did none of the children seem super panicky? Why were all of them orphans? This must’ve been my attempt at giving them all tragic backstories for funnsies.]

#3: The Princess in the Tower

Once upon a time, there [were] two kingdoms[.] There was the Kingdom of Tirena and the Kingdom of Zeanumen. The Kingdom of Tirema was ruled by King Meanen and Queen Anna. Now, the other kindom (the Kingdom of Zeanimen) was ruled by King Zinein and Queen Tirena.

There was an ancient kingdom, in which the castle still stood in that old kingdom where an evil snow queen named Ingered lived. She was a friend of Unama, the sea witch who cold live both on land and water.

One day, Queen Anna had a baby girl and named her Princess Tireniea [.] On that same day [,] the Queen announced [,] “Tomorrow, at the first break of dawn all the way to nightfall, we shall have a ball to celabrate in the name of the Princess Tireniea!”

Everyone in the kingdom was excited except Ingered. “Oh, it’s too easy [.] [T]he King and Queen had a baby. And not just any baby [;] a princess!” Ingered cackled with glee. “Oh! And what’s this? It’s the three fairies. Maybe, there [is(?)] the key of my reward.”

[Author’s note: Am I the only one confused about why she seems so excited that the King and Queen had a princess? Like, that’s how monarchies work. Obviously, the kid is going to be a princess. Why is Ingered so confused by that? Also, the name of this character was taken from the show Once Upon A Time, so, if you were wondering why that sounded familiar, that’s why.]

So [,] that night [,] when the ball was over [,] Ingered snuck into the baby’s room and put a spell on the princess to see if she had a special power [.] [T]hen [,] she found one! It was the power to keep people young for hundreds of years. [Author’s note: Oh my gosh. Not only was this a Sleeping Beauty, Once Upon A Time, and The Little Mermaid fanfic, but also was a Tangled ripoff. Let’s see what else happens.]

Then [,] she took the baby to her castle in the tallest tower. As years passed [,] Princess Tireniea [grew] from a little baby [in]to a young woman. For eighteen years [,] Tireniea lived at the borderline of the forest in Ingered’s castle in the highest tower.

One day, a prince was riding away from some dangerous bandits who had escaped from the dungeons. The prince’s name was Prince Uegean of Zeanimen. While he was riding, he spotted the tower.

Princess Tireniea was in her room, while Ingered was out looking for wild berries [Author’s note: I don’t think there are many wild berries on top of a mountain near an ice castle, but okay.] The Prince, on the [other] hand, was climbing up the tower feeling exhausted, chilly, and a little nervous because he could hear the bandits calling in the distance.

Then, he said when he got to the window, “Finally [.] [A]lone at last.” But, he didn’t know that Tirenia was inside the castle and the she whacked him on the head!

When he awoke, he was surprised to find himself sitting in a chair and tied in ropes [.] “What the heck! Why am I tied in a chair?” Prince Uegean asked in surprise to himself.

Suddenly, a voice peirced the silence [.] [I]t came out from the dark [.] [T]hen the voice said [,] “I know why you’re here. Just I’m not afraid of you.” Then she came into the light.

The prince was confused at the moment, but then he asked [,] “Are you the princess I seek?”

Princess Tireniea knew that he was falling in love with her, but she she didn’t know if she was a princess or not, so she replied, “I don’t know if I am, but let’s [get back to] the subject. Now, what’s your name, where did you come from, and what do you want [.] [A]lso, why are you here?” The Princess looked sternly at him.

The Prince replied, “My name is Prince Uegenan of Zeanimen and don’t want to steal anything from you. [I} don’t want to steal anything from you. Also [,] you have to let me hide here, and I’m sorry for tresspessing here. Now, I demand you to let me go!”

“Fine,” Trieniea said sternly. “If you and ONLY if you help me out of here.”

The rpince agreed [and] with a rope, they carefully climbed down the tower. The skies were stormy and dark and the lightning crashed with fiery [light]. Then Ingered appeared and gasped and said. “Tireniea! What are you doing with that wretched prince?”

Then Tireniea took matters into her own hands, stepped up, and bravely said, “You were never my mother. You stole me from my real father and mother. You lied about the world, about me! And I’ll never let you use me again!”

Ingered blew a fiery breath. Suddenly, she turned herself into a dragon! Tireniea then said bravely “You may [be] powerful and strong! But you evilness can’t conquer the power of goodness! You have no will over me! Goodness will always conquer evil! No matter how powerful and strong it may get! Goodness will always conquer it!”

Just by saying this, Ingered was so furious that she blew up! Ingered was conquered!

“We should probably get out of here,” Uegean said. Princess Tireniea and Prince Uegean then rode off on his stallion all the way through the forest and to the Kingdom of Tirema. When they got there [,] the King and Queen were overjoyed to see their lost princess. Nine years later, Ugean and Tireniea got married and lived happily ever after.

{Author’s note: I am so amazed at how much of this was just stolen from Tangeled. While it ws a creative version of that story, it was still fanfiction to a degree and I couldn’t help but laugh at it.]

Until next time,


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