Blog: The OG Stories of My Childhood

In my post about why Hollywood and creativity in general is dying, I used an anecdote about how when I was a child, I basically would only write fanfic since it was easier to use characters that had already been established than to make up my own stories. In that post, I also promised that if I ever found the story about Han Solo and Barbie going on a mission to get Intergalactic McDonalds, I would turn it into a blog post. A few weeks ago, I found my old creative writing journal from grades 1-4 where most of these stories had been written. While I didn’t find the gem that was the Han Solo and Barbie story, I found a bunch of other stories that were equally as humorous. So here are a few stories that we can laugh at together and I will be posting more in the near future. Anything in brackets is an author’s note, punctuation correction, or representative of an area that I couldn’t read for whatever reason.

Story 1: A Perfect Princess Party Story

Elsa and her sister Cinderella are going to have a birthday party! Elsa and Cinderella can do magic. Maybe I could tell you a little but about myself and the kids. Elsa and I can do snow magic, Cinderella, by the way, she can make flowers blossom in spring and summer [,] but she can’t do that all by herself. She needs help from her sisters. Her sister’s names are Ariel and Rapunzel.

[Author’s note: I was writing as though I was the mother of these characters because I had the doll versions that I would play house with. I was seven when I wrote this; can you tell?]

Rapunzel, Ariel, and Merida [Author’s note: Where did Merida come from?] and I have been planning and plotting about the party on Valentines Day and today I’m going to make two cakes. One is frost cake. The other one is going to be flower cake!

Belle is Elsa’s beautiful blue pegasus who has beautiful blue wings and beautiful blue hooves.

Pegma is Cenderella’s perfect purple Pegas[u]s with perfect purple hooves.

[Author’s note: I have no memory of why I randomly started talking about Cinderella and Elsa’s pegasi. I think the assingment was to write a story and add illiteration or something along those lines, so I had to throw that in there for a good grade. On the bright side, even with the many spelling mistakes and lack of new paragraphs (that I left out for your convience) and the jump-cut transitions to completely different topics than what I had been talking about a sentence ago, I still got an A on this. If I had to grade this story as a blogger/author today, I would also have given Little-Me an A for creativity, but would’ve given her a B- or C for general structure. Smooth transitions and new paragraphs were sorely needed.]

Story 2: The Race

Once upon a time [,] there was a queen. The queen was having babies [,] but died in childbirth and the last baby was Elsa.

[Author’s note: I’m laughing at how sadistic 7-year-old me was to these characters. Just nerf the queen from the story; the kids don’t need her. Maybe I haven’t changed much as an author….] Elsa could turn things into ice. As months passed [,] Else and her sisters Rapunzel, Cinderella, Merida, and Ariel grew into young ladies.

One day [,] Rapunzel was being coranated as queen [.] [A]fter that [,] Rapunzel announced to celebrate her coronation [,] they would have a race to the mountains to see who would be next in line to the throne. “I need four girls and four boys to compete [.] [Are] any of you princes?” askd Queen Rapunzel.

“We’ll compete,” said Elsa, Merida, Ariel, and Cinderella.

Then [,] four young princes stood up and said [,] “I am Frodo and these are my brothers Sam, Marry, Pippin, Tarzan, and Mogle [Mogli (?)] and we’ll compete.” [Author’s note: I’m impressed with the fact that Little-Me combined Disney and Tolkien together to create this story. This is the best thing I’ve ever written I tell you what!]

Then the princes and princesses told Rapunzel that mabey it could be a race with [pegasi] so that happened and the princesses and princes entered the race [.] [T]hen they took to the sky.

“Do you know what we’ll do if you win?” asked Frodo.

“No [,]” said Elsa.

“We’ll steal your crown [,]” said Tarzan, laughing.

“If you do that to my sister [,] I will kick you,” Ariel said bravely [.] [T]hen [,] Elsa snapped the reigns and started flying faster and faster until she got to the mountains and crossed the finish line and turned it into ice and Queen Rapunzel gace the new crown to Elsa.

[Author’s note: Why did I make Frodo evil in this story? What happened to him being a hero who threw the Ring into Mount Doom? This may be one of the funniest stories I’ve written. However, Little-Me seriously needed to stop with the, “And-Then’s”. Luckily, I don’t do that any more, but this was a good try for young me.]

Story 3: The Swan Fairy Princess

Once upon a time [,] there was a fairy King and Queen. The King’s name was Harold and his wife’s name was Martha. One day in March, Queen Martha was having a baby and on that day [,] there was to be a dance for the birth of the baby. “I’ll name her Tara and someday [,] she will be a queen [,]” said Queen Martha.

Then [,] there was a woosh of wind an a flash of lightning. Then an evil fairy appeared in the lightning!

“Merida, I thought you were…” King Harold said.

“You thought I was dead!” Merida said as she tepped up to the baby Tara and said, “On Tara’s 16th birthday [,] she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and turn into a swan.” [Author’s note: Well, this is an interesting take on the Sleeping Beauty story and Swan Lake. Good job me for creating semi-original characters this time, though.]

13 years later [,] Tara was turning 16-years-old. She saw a green light which led to the spinning wheel. She then touched it and turned into a swan!

Her mother discovered her daughter!

She knew a way to reverse the curse. Queen Martha flew all the way to the wizard’s house. She asked for a potion, gave some to Tara, and the curse was broken.

Note: When Queen Martha was flying to the wizard’s house, she was flying from her castle over her city that she ruled and on that day she saw coaches. She also saw people wearing dresses and men wearing their fanciest pants and shirts.

[Author’s note: No, I have no idea where the note at the end of the story came from or why it was important. I also love how 7-year-old me just decided to have the queen randomly know the cure to Tara’s curse but the reader is never told about that or the wizard ever. The wizard just makes an appearance at the end without ever having been alluded to.]

Until next time,


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