Blog: Sophmore Student Destroys Unclaimed Demigod.

Keeping up with the trend for this week about the crappiest fandom in existence, the Percy Jackson fandom, I’m going to be destorying the arguments presented by the YouTuber Unclaimed Demigod. Unclaimed demigod is a book review channel who identifies as Aro/Ace (I’m trying to figure out if she’s half Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts or another type of card and half normal person who just doesn’t feel like dating anyone at the moment) who speaks a lot about Percy Jackson and the Olympains fandom. She has over 12 thousand subscribers and it doesn’t take much scrolling through her channel to find out that she’s very woke and very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, even promising to talk to LGBTQ+ youth in the comments because her channel is a “safe space”. That’s why today I will be destroying the arguments presented by Unclaimed Demigod in her video titled “Reading Trials of Apollo Reviews from Homophobic Parents and Losing My Mind.”

: The parents are homophobic/ This is a safe space with a welcoming community (Introduction)

This isn’t really an argument as much as a statement , but I feel that I need to address this ad hominim. As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, the Percy Jackson fandom seems to hate parents, especially parents will common sense and will thus throw as many names as they can at them. However, many of these names include the ending -phobia. The word phobia comes from the Greek word phobos, which is an irrational fear of something. To claim that parents with common sense are homophobic is preposterous because that implies that they’re terrified of gays when they’re not. In reality the people who are homophobic are the parents who gave Trials of Apollo good reviews because they’re afraid of being canceled by the gays.

Secondly, as I also pointed out in yesterday’s post, the Percy Jackson fandom is not a welcoming community, neither is the LGBTQ+ community for that matter. While they might be welcoming at first, the minute you say anything they disagree with, they will throw you out and will try to ruin your life.

: You’re allowed an opinion but hating on LGBTQ+ people is just hate, in my opinion (Timestamp: 2:04)

Fist of all, lets define hate. By definition, hate is – according to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary – ” [to] feel intense dislike for or a strong aversion towards.” In the Leftist dictionary, hate means to disagree with what they demand you agree with or to disagree with what a person thinks is right. Therefore, everything is hateful. I agree that you’re allowed an opinion, but when everything is hateful, that means that this is a contradictory argument. Furthermore, if everything is hateful in your Leftist jargon, then how do you know that what you’re saying isn’t hateful? To me, as someone who is of Navajo and Cherokee descent through both sides of the family (therefore you have to take me seriously otherwise you’re racist), I consider everything you’re saying to be hateful because it doesn’t align with what I believe in. This makes it a circular argument on top of being contradictory.

Secondly, conservatives don’t hate gay people. In fact, there are many openly gay conservative commentators such as Dave Rubin, Spencer Klavan, Arielle Scarcella (the most hated lesbian on YouTube), Kelly/Scott Newgent (a lesbian who transitioned to be a man and founder of TreVoices) and others. We pity kids who are caught up in the LGBTQ+ movement because they don’t know what harm it will do to them later on.

#3: What is the LGBTQ+/gay agenda? (Timestamps: 3:14, 3:56, 4:45, 7:35, 8:09, 11:54, 12:04)

The gay/LGBTQ+ agenda is what you’re helping to push on your channel and it’s goal is not to encourage fair treatment of people in the LGBTQ+ community. It’s goal is to create a world in which all forms of sexual deviancy are normalized. While in the early 2000’s when the LGB (lesbians, gays, bisexuals) movement was about gays just wanting to live their lives and be left alone and wasn’t about turning the kids and the frickin’ frogs gay, it quickly devolved into a slippery slope shortly after gay marriage was legalized. Today, the movement that used to just be about lesbians, gays, and bis has turned into lesbians, gays, bis, transgenders (something that doesn’t even make sense paired with gays), queers (which used to be a slur for gays), intersex, and asexual (don’t worry, your weird card or pilot sexuality is probably coming soon).

Today, children as young as pre-school and kindergarten are taught about all forms of sex and sexuality. In states like California, it’s mandatory that 3rd graders know about things like hormone blockers and middle schoolers are expected to know about how to get contraceptives, abortions and have a comprehensive knowledge of things like oral and butt sex ( In the documentary What is a Woman, political commentator Matt Walsh interviewed a former Planned Parenthood worker who talked about how children in schools now purr and meow instead of answering questions. In another scene where he interviews psychologist Dr. Miriam Grossman, she gives him a book for ten year olds that depicts a gay couple having sex. Many of these teachings are based on the faulty research of pedophile and Satanist Alfred Kinsey who performed horrific experiments on children as young as a few months old and got much of his data from convicted pedophiles.

Why is this being taught so openly to kids? It’s because the Leftist groups pushing this want voters and they don’t want a free country. They know that if they can get kids to feel victimized by society (as you feel they and yourself are) that it’ll be much easier to take their freedom from them right under their noses. If they paint the other side as bad and oppresive, they’ll get voters out of these kids. If the kids decide to transition, then people like Big Pharma will be getting a lot of money because it will create life-long patients. More than that, however, this agenda will break down the nuclear family because no one will have families because they’ve all been sterilized by hormone blockers or just can’t because two men or two women can’t make a baby. The nuclear, traditional family is the thing that history has proven has held together countries and empires for centuries. Getting rid of it will thus make it easier for them to usher in their new government. If you don’t believe me, the fall of Rome – an empire that stood for centuries – was partially caused because the debauchery that was culturally promoted was ripping apart families, making the empire unstable until it finally crumbled. Do you understand now why parents are so concerned about the LGBTQ+/gay agenda being pushed on their kids? There was a book written about this in the 80’s about how this would all work and it’s moving right on schedule.

#4: There’s no representation in the original books (Timestamp: 3:47)

While yes, most of the characters were white and there weren’t any canonically gay characters, there was still representation. Percy Jackson has always been an accessible series for everyone where kids of any race, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, gender, whatever, can see themselves as a heroic demigod at Camp Half-Blood. We don’t need everything to be dumbed down and spelled out for us. We don’t need to be able to see our selves 24/7 in a specific character. That’s narcissim and we don’t need to be encouraging more of that in kids.

#5: The gays aren’t the main focus (Timestamp: 4:45)

I will agree with you that Nico and Will, Lavinia, Jo and Emmie aren’t the main focus of the Trials of Apollo series, but Apollo is bisexual and often talks about how hot this male camper is or how he misses his ex boyfriend Hyacinthus or Commodus. While the book is mainly about him learning a good lesson about humanity and not being a narcisist, it is still interwoven with a lot of political messages about sexuality that shouldn’t be in a book for 8-12 year olds.

#6: No child should be exposed to a gay relationship (Timestamp: 6:06)

This is a strawman argument. It’s not that parents don’t want kids being exposed to gay relationships period. Parents just don’t want a lifestyle that’s riddled with STD’s, incredibly high divorce rates and depression being pushed upon their kids. Parents also don’t want creepy people introducing discussions about sex and sexuality to their 8-12 year olds. If parents feel that they’re ready to discuss those thingswith their childand their child is at an age where they can somewhat unerstand it, then fine. But if not, then parents have every right to keep their kids from knowing about that until they deem the time is right for them to know.

#7: We would rather have sad, straight Nico (Timestamp: 6:21)

It would’ve made more sense for Nico to have been straight because, as I’ve pointed out in my review of Heroes of Olympus, there was no buildup to Nico being gay. Rick Riordan just added his being gay for diversity points and shock value. Nico still would’ve been a good character if Rick Riordan had let him be straight. He still would’ve been the fandom’s favorite depressed, angsty, Ghost King because he already would have a ton to be depressed and angsty about. I would like to know why straight people are now deemed as uncool by you angry Leftists as the gays were when you’re supposed to be the loving, tolerant, accepting party.

#8: Does any romance add to the storyline? (Timestamp: 6:33)

This is a ridiculous question regarding books in general and is a dumb argument for allowing LGBTQ+ relationships in books. While I can sometimes agree with the statement that most romances in books don’t really affect the plot much, there’s still a lot of stories out there (especially stories written in ye olden days) where the romance is what helps drive the plot foward. Would Romeo and Juliet be the same if there was no romance? Would Percy Jackson and the Olympians be the same if Annabeth wasn’t there as his love interest who keeps him for the most part on the right path? The Trojan War in Greek mythology would’ve never happened had Agememnon not loved his wife Helen. Romance is one of the driving forces in stories, both in real life and in fiction. Many great deeds have been done in the name of love. Love is what grows us and forces us to change for the better. The romance between Apollo and Hyacinthus that is constantly mentioned is something that forces Apollo to change as he feels guilt for it throughout the book. Jo and Emmie’s romance is what provide their motivation to build the Waystation. If it wasn’t for Nico and Will’s relationship, Will would still be a background character that no one cared much for. So yes, romance does add to the storyline greatly. To deny that it does is a sign of your ignorance and incapibility as a reader to think critically about what it is you’re reading.

#9: Having one gay character isn’t appropriate (Timestamp: 7:04)

Did you even read The Trials of Apollo? There are gay/LGBTQ+ characters everywhere and as I pointed out multiple times in this rubttal of your arguments, Unclaimed Demigod, it is detrimental to kids. Yes, kids are going to run into gay people. Does that mean we need to introduce them to that at such an early age? No! On top of that, making it seem like being gay is the cool thing to be and if you aren’t in support of the LGBTQ+ people then you’re a horrible oppressor and hater only hurts kids. Most kids who identify as gay nowadays are doing for clout. That brings me to the last argument I’ll address until part 2 is published…

#10: Gay people are born gay (Timestamp: 7:46)

While there are some people who were seemingly born gay (such as my dad’s best-friend’s brother who was gay even as a kid), most are not. Have an honest conversation with most gays and usually they had some sort of traumatic experience with someone involving sexual abuse that – in a lot of cases – caused them to act as a homosexual as a sort of coping mechanism to deal with that pain. Some never had a father figure who was physically or mentally there for them. Others (and this seems to be the majority of LGBTQ+ youth today) are doing it for the sole purpose of fitting in. It’s become the cool thing to say your gay now. If you idenitfy as that, you all of a sudden are all that and a bag of chips. Gay people aren’t oppressed today. Today, they are a protected class. There’s a lot to gain by idenitfying as LGBTQ+. I will also point out that if you’re actually gay, everyone would already know that because of the way you talk, dress, and interact with others. In that case, there would be no need to come out to your parents or friends as homosexual.

Until next time,


One thought on “Blog: Sophmore Student Destroys Unclaimed Demigod.

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  1. Wow, this blog post is incredible! I’m so amazed by the sophomore student’s bravery and skills in taking down an unclaimed demigod. This is truly inspiring and makes me believe that anything is possible. Great job!
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