Blog: What the Hell is a Skibidi Toilet?

As you know, on this blog, I am a purveyor of fine content. I’m like a 5-star chef, giving you only the best I can come up with. Nothing more and nothing less than the absolute finest.


Why the heck is the skibidi toilet trending on YouTube right now? Why is it so popular? Why does Gen-Z love the idea of heads popping out of toilets and fighting camera people? This is something that I had never thought about and never wanted to watch until I saw a short of it, which made me very confused. Even after watching several episodes, I’m still confused. Do we really need 30 minutes (so far) of toilet content?

Apparently, after doing some research, a Skibidi toilet is apparently the main antagonist of the storyline, taking over the city and wreaking havoc. They range in size from tiny to colossal and over time seem to be gaining military weaponry and know-how, improving their design to fight against the protagonists, the camera-people, speaker-people, etc. These guys are also gaining military weaponry and skills to fight the Skibidis, growing larger as they do until they are having King-Kong vs. Godzilla level fights.

While I think that this is an interesting storyline, I don’t get why this is blowing up, especially amongst Gen-Z. The show seems to have been made in an old game called Garry’s Mod, which to my knowledge is more of a game for millenials from the time where the Internet was still slow and inefficient. Unless this is a call-back to better times that’s sucking in my generation, I don’t get why they would be interested except for their insane sense of humor. Even then, the show doesn’t seem to be meant to be humorous, what with the military coup and camera people fighting to survive, often being jumpscared at the end of an episode. It seems to be more of the indie-horror genre in a way.

One theory going around is that this is actually an allegory for the film industry in comparison with YouTube and other video sharing platforms. I suppose it would make sense since as I’ve talked about numerous times on this blog, Hollywood is dying right now. The movie star is dead. Today, anyone can be a sort of T.V. celebrity simply by uploading short videos onto a platform like TikTok or YouTube Shorts. To turn to an example, the guy who started this series now has a following of 20 million subscribers. He blew up within a few weeks. Today, why would you turn to Hollywood anymore when you now can watch an endless stream of videos on a device that might as well be imbedded in your hand? It would make sense for the marginalized camera/speaker/radio people to be representative of the film industry while the Skibidis are the creators on YouTube, taking their jobs.

In conclusion, my theory is that it’s this underlying plotline that’s making the entire thing blow up. It’s original and is actually reminisent of today’s film industry (though we haven’t blown it up yet). Combine that with Gen-Z’s strange sense of humor and you get a massive breakthrough on the Internet.

Until next time,


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