Blog/News: My Thoughts on the Chronicles of Narnia Reboot.

It’s a relatively good thing that Rings of Power (Rings of Racism), is coming out next year because I don’t think I would be able to mentally handle the horror of having to review Rings of Power and the Netflix adaptation of Chronicles of Narnia. The anger of seeing not one, but two pieces of beloved literature written by the two greatest fantasy writers of the 20th century – C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien – at the same time would probably send me to the mental ward.

While we don’t have much news regarding the remake as of yet, I can already tell that it’s going to be garbage on the level of Rings of Power. For one, it’s being written and directed by Greta Gerwig, the same feminist nutball that wrote and directed the new Barbie movie. Seeing how she destroyed Barbie to make her a hyper-feminist who hates men, I am dreading seeing what she will do to the Pevensie siblings. I would not be surprised if she turns Susan into an independant girl-boss who doesn’t need a man, Lucy into an aspiring girl boss, and Peter and Edmund into whimpering simps who can’t do anything right. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she throws in some LGBTQ+ politics and race swaps a few characters for the clout. At this point, Netflix is known for race swapping people, including historical figures. Look at some of the memes that people have created based on that:

Unfortunately, the one about Queen Charlotte is actually a real thing that Netflix is doing.

Secondly, Greta Gerwig – while she does know some things about Christianity – is not a Christian. Pretty much no one in Hollywood is. Meanwhile, The Chronicles of Narnia is a fundamentally Christian book. In fact, J.R.R. Tolkien, a close friend of C.S. Lewis, actually criticised it for being too obvious in its allegory of Christianity (what with Aslan being killed and finally rising on the third day like Jesus did). While the Disney adaptation might’ve been pretty consistent with the books (as far as I remember; it’s been awhile since I’ve seen those movies), that was 2008. Hollywood hadn’t become blatantly anti-Christian at that point. With an adaptation being made today, you know Gerwig is going to either 1). try to get rid of all Christian references and thus will completely destroy the story, subverting it to her godless, Leftist point of view or 2). will keep the Christian worldview, but will make it progressive or mix it with New Age ideology or both. She’ll probably make the White Witch a misunderstood girlboss villian and try to make her sympathetic because who cares if the villian is supposed to be the devil. Don’t you know that today evil is good and good is evil?

Lastly, can we stop with the remakes? We had one adaptation, we don’t need two or three more. Hollywood needs to stop making all these reboots because if they don’t, they are going to go out of buisness and other – more talented – people will take up the job that Hollywood left behind. On the bright side, if you’re an independent creator, this is a good time for you to start promoting more of your stuff.

Until next time,


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