News: The Barbie Movie Did Well, but Will it Continue to do Well?

The long anticipated Barbie movie just dropped on Friday and has made $155 million, beating out Oppenheimer which came out the same day. However, while the movie has been a massive success, will it continue to be the success that it has been or will it lose it’s glittery shine as the weeks go by?

I think it’s safe to say that it’s going to lose the glittery shine.

The reason why this is is because while the movie was promoted as a silly, fun, live-action Barbie movie that you could take your 8-year-old daughter to, in actuality, it is a hellscape of woke feminism that promotes the unhinged hatred of men. A wonderful message for your daughter to take to heart.

In a review written in the Daily Mail by Maureen Callahan, the Barbie movie is critcized as: “What could have been a joyous, cheeky summer confection is weighed down by endless talk of patriarchy, politics, toxic masculinity, and a bunch of other references meant to sound smart but amounting to nothing.”

Maureen goes on to say that the movie feels as though it was done by a commitee. Barbie herself is constantly switching character, being a feminist, then not being a feminist; being smart, then being an airhead; knowing what a facist is, then not knowing. But this is fine, beacuase it was written by a female director so if you come after it, you’re a mysoginist.

It’s concerning when the people who were promoting the Barbie movie turn around and write entire articles about it being painfully woke. Pick a lane! Which one are you in?

From The Gaurdian: “Barbie takes a ride from her dream house to reality as Little Women writer-director Greta Gerwig takes another cultural icon and lovingly subverts it”

I would hardly call Greta Grewig’s subvertion of Barbie – a cultural role model for little girls everywhere – loving. More like projective of her own crappy, feminist life.

Alongside the disgusting feminist talking points and themes within the movie, there are also plenty of sexual references, including a gay sex joke that is repeated over and over, a joke about Barbie not having ladyparts, and Ken not having anything under his shorts. Once again, aren’t these wonderful themes for your 8-year-old to understand?

It’s because of this crap that I suspect the Barbie movie is going to crash. From the trailers, the movie’s target audience is moms and their daughters. From how many reviews there have been about the Barbie movie, I suspect that after this week, it’s going to stop generating profit. Moms – if they’re smart – will see all the reviews from independent critics on YouTube, Twitter, etc. and not go. If Warner Bros wanted to make money, they should’ve wrote a movie that wasn’t full of woke garbage. Barbie has always been a feminist icon that taught girls that they could be anything they wanted to be. This new, woke feminist Barbie takes that away since feminism enslaves people to the feeling of vicitimization that is so prevalent in this culture right now.

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