News: The New Snow White Remake Looks Like a Cosplayer’s YouTube Video and It’s Hilarious.

As someone who been to the Renniassance Fair a few times, when I saw the exclusive pictures from the set of the Snow White remake, I thought it was a bunch of cosplayers from a Ren Fair.

As we know, Disney seems to be on a mission to cannabalize itself, producing flops such as Pinnochio and The Little Mermaid, all of which have been nightmare fuel. Now it’s newest remake features a Latina Snow White and instead of having seven dwarves, features “seven magical creatures”. These “magical creatures” come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and seem to feature only one dwarf. However, the thing they all have in common (to steal this joke from the Dailywire’s Matt Walsh) is they should be called the Seven Slovenly Hippies. They look like the type of people who would run around on the median asking for money in the middle of the highway.

Even Snow White herself looks lacking in her iconic yellow, red, and blue dress. It looks less like a beautiful princess dress and more like a modest costume you could get from Party City. I have actually seen cosplayers on YouTube shorts recreate Snow White’s dress and give it more charm and beauty than whatever the heck Rachel Zegler is wearing in this picture.

But why don’t the dwarves look like dwarves? Why are they now the “seven magical creatures”? Why does this look absolutely terrible?

The dwarves are no longer dwarves because Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage who played Tyrion Lannister claimed in an interview that it is insulting to people who struggle with dwarfism. Says the man who got rich off of playing a dwarf in a very popular T.V. show. Hypocrite much?

Apparently, Disney heard this and during the casting decided to do away with roles that actually could’ve given midgets a voice and a role on the big screen and give them to regular-sized humans. If I were a midget, I would be very offended by this. This isn’t inclusive. It’s exclusive.

There’s also the theme of anti-white racism that is one of the reasons why this movie already looks like it’ll fail. In the actual tale told by the Grimm Brothers, Snow White is a 16th Century, German princess with exceedingly fair skin, rosy cheeks, and dark hair. In the Disney remake, it looks like all their budget went towards erasing white people from the story, ignoring the fact that there weren’t many Latinos in Germany in the 1500’s The Left constantly complains about white people supposedly stealing black or Hispanic characters, but why is it okay for black/Hispanic people to steal white characters. Are they really so oppressed that they can’t come up with their own characters? This is actual cultural appropriation and it needs to stop. It’s not only ruining movies and art, but its even more oppressive towards people of color. It doesn’t uplift them. It only pushes them down.

3 thoughts on “News: The New Snow White Remake Looks Like a Cosplayer’s YouTube Video and It’s Hilarious.

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  1. I Think Rachel Zegler as Snow White In a live-action adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Dwar Is the Worst Casting Of all time


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