Blog: Schedule Updates for the Tanuki Corner and Teaser for Books.

Hey, guys! M.J. here with some updates for the Tanuki Corner.

As you guys should know by now, I’m a highschool student and unfortunately, summer is almost over and school will be starting in about a month. While I had hoped to grow this blog site a lot more over this summer, I had gotten a late start due to school which meant I had less time to create a whole ton of content for you guys to read.

With that said, already I have noticed from looking at the statistics for this website that viewership has gone down since my hiatus last Sunday. When I started out on the Tanuki Corner, I knew that I would have to continue posting content to keep you guys interested, but I’m not a robot. I’m a human who needs rest every once in a while and needs to establish some sort of schedule for when you can expect posts so you’re not thrown when I’m not posting, while still allowing me some sanity.

For now, while I’m still on summer break, I plan on posting every weekday and taking a break on Sunday or just taking the entire weekend off if needed. However, when I start school (which should be around mid to late August), I’m going to have to slow down on content production a lot. I don’t know if I will be able to write a blog post every day while simultaneously trying to complete my sophmore year. My plan for this school season is to try to post at least two or three blogs, reviews, news pieces, or myths every week, though if I can’t do that, I plan on posting my art in the art gallery which I hope you enjoy.

Moving on to teasers, if you look at the pages section of this website, you will see a page titled “The Terradraconis Saga” and some of you might be wondering what that is. After all, if you click on it, you might notice that it says “Coming soon”. But what does that mean? What is the Terradraconis Saga? When will you be seeing any content from it?

Well, my friends, the Terradraconis Saga will be a collection of short stories and books that tie into each other that will hopefully be coming sometime in the next year. In fact, the inspiration for the name of the Tanuki Corner comes from one of the characters who I think you’re going to love. While I can’t drop any more spoilers for it as of right now (I can’t even drop any character names or the basic plot), I can say this: It is going to be a five book series with lore drops between books that you’re going to need to pay attention to to figure out what will come next in the series. Three books have been written, I am working on editing them.

This may raise another question about the book. If I have already written the first three, then why can’t I drop any spoilers such as character names?

The reason why is because there’s a lot of people out there who may read my work and steal my idea to turn into their own novel, movie, T.V. show, etc. Though this is still a small blog site, I don’t want to take any chances with work being stolen. Even if I say that I wrote it first in court, if whoever stole it copyrighted it in their name first, then it is legally considered their’s. I don’t want that happening, so I’m working on copyrighting and trademarking my work, which unfortunately takes a long time in part because it’s the federal government that you have to work through to copyright your books. If you are an author reading this, please comment below your experience getting copyrighted and how it works. I would be happy to recieve any suggestions possible that may make this experience easier and get my books to you guys to enjoy.

Until next time,


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