News: Sound of Freedom is Beating out Dial of Destiny in the Box Office in the Third Week of its Release

Disney and Hollywood are failing this year due to woke propoganda and Sound of Freedom is beating the crap out of them, grossing $45.7 million dollars at the box office, contrasting with the newest Lucasfilm movie Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which has only scraped up $100 million.

While $100 million is obviously much more than $45.7 million, within the movie industry, you have to look at things from the perspective of profit. Sound of Freedom had a measly $14.5 million buget, while Dial of Destiny (a.k.a Dial of Dementia, Dial of Disney, Dial of D.O.A., etc.) had a budget of $300 million, making it one of the most expensive movies Lucasfilm has ever made. Do some simple math and you’ll see that Sound of Freedom has made a profit of $33.2 million dollars while Disney is going to have to scrape up all the box office money it can to break even.

Somehow, I doubt the consumers are going to spend much money on a movie where a deloved character is completely destroyed. I guess money can’t buy you happiness – or quality.

But why is Sound of Freedom making so much, even after the corporate media has tried to censor it as with so many other movies? For one thing, the movie was made by Angel Studios, the movie company who created the massively popular show, The Chosen. Because so many people have watched and enjoyed The Chosen, it makes sense that they would watch Sound of Freedom since it’s being put out by the same studio.

Furthermore, right now there seems to be a shift in the culture that wants to expose the people responsible for sexualizing kids and put them to justice, especially after people have seen footage from schools of teachers pushing pornography and other inappropriate subjects on kids. Because Sound of Freedom is a movie that exposes the horrors of child sex trafficking to try to encourage change, of course people are going to want to see it. People are going to want to buy the tickets so that money can go to the people who are trying to save these kids. Not only is the movie well produced, but there’s an interactive aspect to it that get people hooked to help a good cause.

Now contrast this with Dial of Dementia. Not only is the movie poorly produced, poorly shot, poorly edited, but what are you supporting by buying a ticket for it? You won’t just be supporting a movie that pushes a feminist agenda that wants to get rid of masculine men, but Disney is one of the companies who didn’t want – and still doesn’t want – people seeing this movie. Before Angel Studios bought Sound of Freedom, it was originally going to be put out by Fox 20th Century, but when Fox was bought out by Disney, the movie was shelved. Why was it shelved? How about you consider the fact that Disney has become increasingly woke over the years and has had more sexual predators infiltrate it. As reported by the Dailywire, a massive sting operation in Florida last year arrested over 150 people in Polk County, four of which were Disney employees and several teachers. In an interview about the operation, the head officer said they always caught at least one or two Disney employees during those types of operations. Also last year, Disney Co-executive Producer, Latoya Raveneau, said on a meeting that she was pushing a “not-so-secret-gay-agenda” in the shows she worked on.

Its like the people soliciting prostitutes and sexualizing children don’t want to be exposed by a movie that brings awareness to child trafficking. Hmm….

On top of that, giant media outlets such as NBC and CNN also are pushing people not to watch Sound of Freedom, saying the people who have seen it are actually a part of QAnon. This surpasses the levels of satire that the Babylon Bee puts out, since not only does no one watch CNN or NBC anymore, but those news sites are creating their own conspiracy to try to make other, rational people look conspiratorial as they turn a blind eye to the people in their own organizations who have sexual harrasment/assualt allegations.

Once again, its like the elites who have ties to people like Jeffery Epstien and Harvey Wienstein don’t want a movie exposing their crimes to be seen by millions of people. 1984 vibes, anybody?

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