Blog: My Thoughts on Aliens.

Okay guys, I would like to preface this by saying that these are just my views on aliens. I’m not saying this with the intent of getting you to believe what I believe. You should be able to make up your own minds on these things and be able to think things through, especially if you heard it on the Internet.

Right now, we’re getting a lot of new information from government officials about UFOs and this information is getting a lot of mixed opinions. Some people are absolutely thrilled about it, while others are more concerned, even confused about it. Some people think UFOs are aliens from other planets, while others think that aliens are something more sinister – demonic even.

Personally, my views on UFOs are a mix. On one hand, I think UFOs are real. So far, images from the Hubble telescope have revealed about 100 billion galaxies, though it’s speculated that we could find as many as 200 billion galaxies as technology improves. With this knowledge, I highly doubt that there is no other life in the universe. I think the chances that there is no other life on other planets is mathematically lower than there being life on other planets. There has to be other planets with water on them that can support life, especially sentient life.

On top of that, the ability for UFO ships to be able to withstand both extreme inner and outer pressure (since space has zero pressure and the ocean will crush you to bits as we saw with the OceanGate sub). They also need to withstand intense heat in order to enter into other atmospheres and be able to travel as fast as we’ve seen them travel. All of this could be completely plausible since its quite likely that other planets have elements and materials that we don’t have that can be used to create better technology. This would explain why people have reported seeing them flying around and coming out of the ocean. It would also explain why the nuclear warheads became armed after one of them flew by. Perhaps whatever their ships are made of have some sort of electromagnetic feild that messes up our technology whenever they’re around. It could also be quite possible that the reason why they are seemingly exploring Earth is because they are as curious as us about finding life on other planets.

With that said, I also believe that there could be a chance that perhaps what we’re seeing may not be what we think it is. One of the views held by many people – including some government officials – is that these UFOs are not life from other planets, but are actually demons. I don’t consider myself a super spiritual person, but I do think the supernatural does exist and is present to some degree today (especially since some of the people on TikTok look like they could’ve been sent from hell). While we often joke that Satan wouldn’t need to send demons to do his work since we have most of the people in the government doing the job, this would actually be a great time to send some. In today’s culture, we have turned away from God to science and Darwinianism and finally, to paganism. A 2008 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 1 million people identified as pagan. Today, it has gone up to 1.5 million according to National Geographic as things like #witchtok become more popular, drawing in 34 billion views from young people especially. For the first time in Western history, Chrisitianity is now considered a minority. Demons posing as UFOs would definitely do the trick to draw people away from traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and into the occult.

However, whatever belief you hold about “aliens”, you should still be very careful about what you believe. One of the reasons why UFOs have become so popular and why people are demanding more answers is because we live in a digitalized age where everyone is recording everything. While this can add credence to some things, it can also become hard to destinguish whether or not something is true, or if someone is doing it for the sake of clicks and likes. If you decide to research UFOs, I would suggest you be very careful about what all you believe. The Internet functions off of clickbait, so always ask questions about the people you’re listening to.

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